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Everything posted by Dan83

  1. We had a bad experience with dolphin discovery Cozumel in February 2020. I don’t recommend them.
  2. Thanks for all the advice. Cruise leaves Friday. The 10 pm departure from home now seems too optimistic. More likely will be 11-midnight. I think I’m going to leave at 2 am. If all goes well I’ll just nap in the car when we get to Galveston. And I’ll still have a few hours wiggle room before the 1:30 all aboard.
  3. Yeah it’s been sold out for weeks but I was unable to find any active roll call. Thought maybe it was a partial charter or something like that. We’ll be the ones getting kicked out of the lounge due to rowdy kids. (Kidding) well maybe not kidding
  4. We also leave out Friday. Salvador, the concierge, emailed Saturday with the welcome email. I replied with a couple minor requests but he never responded. The address posted above is correct.
  5. We’ve had something come up that we can’t miss the evening before a cruise departing Galveston. It’s a 6 hour drive to port. My options are to start driving around 10 pm and arrive 4 am. Or I could try to get a few hours sleep and leave home at 3-4 am and arrive to port in time to board the ship. This option doesn’t leave much wiggle room for flat tires, breakdown, etc. which is rare but always crosses my mind on a trip. I’m reluctant to get a hotel just to check in at 4 am and then leave 5-6 hours later. It’s just too much work unloading the car and kids into a hotel for a few hours. Another consideration is driving through Houston on a weekday morning, which could easily add an extra hour to drive time. Which option would you take?
  6. Dan83


    Thanks! I will use them for sure.
  7. Dan83


    Anyone have a recommendation for a dive shop? Cruise line doesn’t offer a dive excursion and I try to avoid those anyway.
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