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Posts posted by Lackey

  1. After reading a bunch of posts I decided to buy the Premium Package for my wife and myself. The total cost was about $391pp. We are moderate drinkers but because we didn't have to drink just alcohol I figured it was worth trying. I did my best to keep track of what we drank and the approximate cost of each drink. The combined list is below.



    Drink whatever the heck you want

    We drank bottled water constantly which helped us stay well hydrated

    We brought bottles of water back to the room (this was great)

    We had cappucinos at the coffee bar reguarly and they were fantastic

    No signing or little receipts to deal with

    If you go over the $12 limit you just pay the difference

    Got to try many of the Molecular Bar cocktails


    I'm a bit competitive so I probably had a few drinks when I

    otherwise might not have. That said...I never even got tipsy at all.


    Final count (give or take) we drank about $990 (including 15% gratuity)


    Would I do it again? YES...mainly because it was "freeing" to just get what I wanted and not have to sign for anything. Coming out ahead was a plus.


    Here's the list ($'s are close and are not exact) Please forgive spelling errors:


    SATURDAYCorona5Corona5Corona 5Malibu orange 6 Double baileys10Large evian4.5Double baileys 10Grapefruit margarita6Large pelegrino4.5Small evian2.5Small evian2.5Prosecco7Cava7Conundrum white12Dry creek Zinfandel12Dry creek Zinfandel12Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5SUNDAYBloody Mary6Mimosa6Cappuccino4.5Piña colada6Piña colada6Mojito6Makers6Mint julep6Evian large4.5Red stripe5Red stripe5Evian large4.5Grapefruit margarita6Prosecco7Riesling8Pouilly8Pelligrino large4.5Pelligrino large4.5Chiarello cab12Red wine12Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5Stella6MONDAYbloody Mary6Mimosa6Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5Evian large4.5Evian large4.5Coke2Coke2Evian small2.5Evian small2.5Cappuccino baileys7Cappuccino frangelica7Molecular bar cocktail12Molecular bar cocktail12Molecular bar cocktail12Riesling8Conundrum white12Zinfandel Rutherford8Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5TUESDAYEvian large4.5Evian large4.5Rum punch6Mango rum smoothie6Double piña colada8Prosecco7Domain Chandon9Conundrum12Dry creek Zinfandel12Dry creek Zinfandel12Riesling dessert10Sauternes8Piña colada6Small evian2.5WEDNESDAYlarge Evan4.5Grapefruit juice2.5Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5Grapefruit margarita6Grapefruit margarita6Rum punch6Rum punch6Double baileys10Double baileys10Fancy cocktail aurora8White wine8Domaine Chandon brut8Domaine Chandon brut8Riesling8Pinot noir8Bordeaux10Sauternes8Tokaji8Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5Large Evan4.5Large pelligrino4.5THURSDAYbloody Mary6Bloody Mary6Cappuccino4.5Large Evian4.5Fancy cocktail Aurora8Piña colada6Domain Chandon brut8Domain Chandon brut8Dry creek Zinfandel12Conundrum12Cappuccino4.5Cappuccino4.5FRIDAYgwertraimar10Riesling10Riesling10Pelligrino4.5Pelligrino4.5Tokaji7Tokaji7Molecular cocktail12Molecular cocktail12Molecular cocktail12Molecular cocktail12Large Evian4.5Cava champaign7Merlot7Reisling7subtotal858.5included tip128.775total987.275

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