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Posts posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. 2 hours ago, _rusty_shackleford said:

    A couple of other general notes and observations:


    -Starlink has been nothing short of excellent. Enough bandwidth to stream Netflix/other apps. Occasional spotty ~10 second lags/buffers but very strong service in places where other satellite has struggled in the past like Skagway and Glacier Bay. I'd be happy to provide up/down/latency numbers if anyone is interested in more detail.


    -This may surprise a lot of you (tongue, meet cheek) but the app has shortcomings onboard that aren't apparent on land. It does not display opening or closing times of bars or restaurants, and does not display any menus beyond the main dining room and specialty restaurants. I'd highly recommend taking a picture of the Patter every day for reference or bringing it with you. It's a minor inconvenience but would be a major quality of life improvement.


    I would be interested in actual numbers (download speed and latency)

  2. 4 hours ago, Shaded Lady said:

    I've seen multiple other cruisers post the link to their Live reviews across many of their threads, regardless of cross-posting... I think this is the exception they allow most of the time...


    Rest well today, hope your appointment with your dermotologist goes well...



    I finally got home at 1:30; and finally passed out at 2:30 after unpacking a little (meds and stuff) and cleaning the cats litter box.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Shaded Lady said:

    @KarmaCruisers Tim- had fun following along... but please, ease up on the gambling math! My head hurts trying to figure it out! I finally gave up and thought, oh well, he gets it, he's enjoying himself, live with it!


    I'm also in IT but I work full time from home... I COULD NOT handle your commute! Good for you that you are able to sustain it- no matter how much they pay you it would not be enough for me!


    Please do me a favor and try to post a link to your next 'live' here so I can be notified... if I hadn't gotten an update from someone on another thread, I'd have missed this one altogether!


    Hope the rest of your trip home is uneventful!

    BELIEVE ME; at a certain price point you’d say yes to that kind of commute. 
    I mean I’ll TRY..but like I said earlier; it’ll be a princess one so I’m not sure if cross-posting is frowned upon.


    Also; just landed at 10:50pm PST. Still have to get to my car then drive 90 minutes home. Weeeeee

    So, for those keeping track; I woke up at 7:30am EST; and was in the airport at 11am EST; haha.

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  4. I think (judging by everyone crowding the boarding lanes) there’s going to be a lot of grumpy people on this flight 

    I’m not even that grumpy about it..I’m grumpy about the damn road still being semi-closed to get home (it’s down to 1 lane now; which hopefully it fully reopens by the time I get there; or traffic is so light going out of the bay it doesn’t matter)

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