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Posts posted by CruisingSerenity

  1. Well, not exactly. I think people read into these things what they want it to be.


    I have no dog in this hunt, no kids, no grandkids etc. I don't care either way if people bring their kids or not.


    What they are telling people is that "we have no programs for your children" but "we'll be happy to take your money for their passage" also that "we are set up for adults.


    It's pretty simple, no where does it say that children are not allowed, and it is adults only. I know there are quite a few people would like that, but it ain't so.


    That is exactly what they are saying. Not once have they ever said, "kids are not welcome, don't bring them", they simply warn, "there are no programs for kids". Parents can bring plenty of things for their kids to do while on the ship. You know, some kids actually like to read over video games?


    When I was 5, if I acted up in a restaurant, or anywhere for that matter, the way I see kids act up today, I would have been in a world of hurt. That type of behavior was not tolerated. It's unfair to label all children as unruly, out of control, and undisciplined, and it's also unfair to believe that no kid would enjoy fine dining. When I was little, I LOVED fine dining.


    It IS possible for someone to be so young and still be very well behaved, and love the elegant or finer atmosphere. As with adults, children should be regarded on a case by case basis, not lumped all together as nothing but annoying, loud, screaming creatures. That's not even reality.

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