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Posts posted by wanttoexploremore

  1. For the first time in my life, I have become diligent and devoted to exercise!  I would greatly appreciate answers to any/all of these questions:

    1. Are there rowing machines?

    2. Are there TRX bands available for general use or just for classes?

    3. Are there spin bikes available for general use or just for classes?  I'd love to ride using the Peloton app!

    4. What type of cleats do the spin bikes use?  Delta (Peloton-type) I hope!


    OK, maybe I'm a little obsessed with this.  I promise that I will have a drink and a few desserts to compensate for the activity...



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  2. Wow!  Some really interesting replies to my original post!


    Perhaps I didn't provide enough details.  Please read on for clarification!


    My sister is traveling alone for the first time ever and it is her first trip following the death of her husband.  She is very nervous and I want her to have the best possible experience. 


    For those of you you felt the need to question what I expect to get out of it -- I want her to have the best possible experience!!! That's it.  My reasons for getting involved are that she has never been very independent, her  husband always took care of everything when they traveled and they worked with this particular travel agent for years.   She called me in tears when she learned that the agent was closing her business.


    There are reasons to question how well the particular host agency involved will service her booking for her needs.  This is not a slam on travel agencies, host agencies or travel agents.  For purposes of the question of the process to transfer the booking, please accept that this is true.  


    I realize that my sister will have to initiate any transfer.  I merely want to provide her with the easiest way to do so.



  3. My sister booked a cruise for next April with her neighbor who has been a travel agent for years.   The travel agent is ill and closing her business.  My sister thinks it's OK to leave the booking alone because the agent's host agency will "take care of it".   I disagree and would like to figure out how to transfer it back to Celebrity.


    Is this possible?  How do you do it?  


    I really don't want to call Celebrity and wait on hold for hours.



  4. I had the experience of embarking Azamara Pursuit in Valparaiso on February 4 (San Antonio was closed due to ocean conditions).  The port is really not equipped to load passenger ships and the Chilean authorities made it very challenging.  Azamara Pursuit officers and crew did an amazing job of getting it all done.  Chilean regulations require that the containers that had been inspected/approved in San Antonio be re-inspected when they arrive at Valparaiso.  They refused to approve an entire container because something (unknown) had broken and spilled in the juggling.  Pretty much everything has to be load by hand onto the ship.  There are also challenges with the fueling process due to the stringent Chilean regulations.  It looks like Pursuit is docked.  I'm not sure that the port has room to also let Celebrity dock at the same time.  I wish all who are on board a safe extended journey home.

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