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Posts posted by Karina007

  1. 11 hours ago, oakridger said:

    I've been investigating Viking also as the ships are beautiful.  Unfortunately they are so popular that they don't have much incentive to discount for solos.  As bottomfeeder mentioned it's rare and fleeting to get even the 175% rates.  I have resigned myself to the fact that if I want to sail on them I will have to pay double.  Their double fares are pretty much over my budget so probably won't be sailing Viking anytime soon.  Too bad as they look very nice.



    Hello Nancy,

    Yes... Viking looks like it has the best aesthetics of all of the cruise lines that I have perused.

    I also like that it seems geared toward introverts or intellectuals.

    The no children policy is what really caught my eye 🙂

    So, which one of their cruises are you interested in? 

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