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Posts posted by MzReid

  1. 9 minutes ago, Sail n Snow said:

    It depends on the port you leave out of from my understanding.  We took a cruise out of Singapore in Dec and thought it was great.  The main show was in Mandarin but the other venues had English shows/entertainment.  

    We are supposed to take a cruise from Shanghai in August and I’ve been reading almost all the acts are in Mandarin (Spectrum of the Seas was made for the Chinese market)


    I’ve heard cruises from Hong Kong are 

    more like the ones out of Singapore but haven’t done to much research on them. 

    Thank you Sail n Snow. The cruise is departing from Singapore and I'm hoping that language won't prove to be too much of a barrier to enjoying the entertainment.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Balsam12 said:

    We did Singapore to Hong Kong on Voyager in March 2019.


    There was a good mix of nationalities on board, with a large number from Germany. All announcements were made in English and German. I actually expected them to be English and Mandarin, but this wasn't the case.

    No issues with anything "cultural" on our cruise, but as it wasn't a closed loop cruise, it may not have appealed to the locals as much.


    All the triva and other things were done in English, and they actually ran some basic language classes if you wanted to learn some Mandarin. Only went to one show, and as stated earlier in this thread, it was dance and music based, so language wasn't an issue.

    All this may be different for cruises Shanghai - Shanghai of course.


    Thanks Balsam12 - that's really encouraging to hear.

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