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Posts posted by swansonia

  1. Hey guys....what a struggle it has been for me to stay on the Low Carb plan....I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends have been a different story. Over all I am down 7 pounds....So I guess that is a start. I also need get committed to some physical activity... Kinda like the eating....hard to stay on track...If I can just make it for 1 whole week then 1 more, etc..... I'm not giving up !!!! :D

  2. It's been awhile since I've been on these boards, but I have a totally awesome Panana Canal Cruise booked for 2013 and I want to loose 75-100 pounds....I found lots of support here before and am hoping to reconnect and make new Atkins buddies again.

  3. It's been a long time since I've been on these boards, but I see some familiar names. I am still struggling with my weight (imagine that :eek:) but have managed to lose about 20 pounds this year with off and on Atkins....I really need to get serious and hope to find some encouragement here...

  4. Hi everyone....We finally got moved into our new house....moved, but not settled yet!! LOL....Used the move as an excuse to fall off the Atkins wagon, but I am back to induction today. Thankfully looks like I only gained 3 pounds...guess the added activity of moving helped. I plan to visit this thread a few times a week again. You guys are always so supportive and help me stay on track. See ya again soon.


  5. It's been awhile since I posted and I wanted to drop in and say "Hi" to everyone. I see some new people are trying the Atkins WOE. I am still plugging along. I have now lost a total of 86 pounds. I feel like a new person. I still have a long way to go, but I think I'll get there. :rolleyes: Progress has been a little slower these days, but I haven't exactly been 100% either, so I am excited to just maintain or lose an occasional pound.

    We, too, have recently bought a house and hope to close next week and move over the weekend, so that has been some stress and packing has been my excuse for not cooking!! LOL It is so much easier to stick with WOE if you prepare your own food so you know what's in there!!! Once we get moved I want to go back to induction for a few days and see if I can't drop a few more pounds before our Alaska cruise.

    Miss you guys and your encouragement. Hope to get back in the swing of checking in here more often, too. Take care you losers!!! ;)


  6. Hi everyone!!! I haven't posted in a long time, but have lurked a little...Been really busy which is ironic because I went from working full-time to only part-time, but I still stay busy...

    I have stayed pretty much on track with only an occasional snag. I have now lost 81 pounds (since June) so I am making progress and that's a great thing.

    I recently found a BBQ sauce that is pretty darn good and only has 2 grams of carbs per 2 tablespoon serving....it is KC Masterpiece Low Calorie Classic Blend...found it at Walmart a few weeks ago. Since then we have had ribs twice and today grilled burgers and added the sauce at the end. I try to only use enough to flavor the meat and it has been a great thing...We love BBQ here in the south....:D

    Cruising tomorrow....:D I'll check back when we return on Saturday.


  7. Just wanted to take a few minutes and wish you all a wonderful, blessed Holiday and to thank you all for you support throughout the year. Thanks, in part, to you all, I am holidaying 63 pounds lighter than last year!!! Kreeb, I hope things get better for you!!!

    Merry Christmas !!!



  8. It is so hard to stick with WOE right now isn't it??? Plus I've been fighting a cold, so WOEx is lacking too....I am trying to fight the urge to "hang it up" for the Holidays...I have worked too hard, darn it, so I don't want to gain a bunch just because it's the Holidays.... :eek:


  9. It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been reading and trying to stay caught up with everyone. I've now lost a total of 56 pounds since the first week in June. I've been up and down a few pounds, first with the cruise, then Thanksgiving. Went back to induction for a few days (Mon-Wed) to get back into moderate ketosis and hopefully I can stay on WOW for awhile. I sure would like to hit that 60 pound milestone before Jan 1.

    Made the mashed cauliflower for Thanksgiving and it was a hit. I really liked it and plan to make it again soon. Bought some canned pumpkin....keep reading on here that some of you like it, so I'm gonna give it a go....

    Everyone rememeber to take time for yourselves during this busy Holiday season...

    Always lurking,


  10. swansonia:

    I just connected that you are going on HOLIDAY.. My partner and I had a great cruise on that ship in 1995. :D I remember it fondly. I hope you enjoy.



    Yes, we've been on her twice and have two more booked. We are only about 75 miles from Mobile so it is a great get-away for us. We keep hearing rumors about Carnival replacing the Holiday, and I have mixed feelings about that. The first time we cruised on her I started out disappointed because I was comparing her with the newer larger ships that we had been on,,,By the end of that cruise I did a complete turn around. They have the best crew !!! I do miss a balcony though....LOL

    Great work on getting so close to your goal...I am excited for you.... :D

  11. Thanks all for the encourgement...and the answer to the "eggy" question. Now I'll have to find some of that DaVinci Syrup...I saw the raspberry flavor at Sam's a while back, but raspberry doesn't usually appeal to me...I'll see if they have something new in now...

    Pinkbikini....I hope you get your bleeding problem under control. That sounds horrible. Bless you my friend. I think I might need to add a little fat back, too. I've been eating lean meat lately. Maybe I need to put butter on my veggies.

    Jean...hang in there. Having company is so hard, especially if your Mom is cooking. I have a hard time resisting my Mom's treats. In fact I have a birthday soon and I told her yesterday not to bake me a cake. (She always bakes our favorites on our birthdays.) She told me she HAD to do it. I finally talked her into baking me the low-carb cheesecake that I've been wanting to try, so let's hope she will stick to that plan...:rolleyes: I am taking her the recipe this afternoon.

    Annie.....Where are you.???

    Tom...you are always an inspiration!!!

    Everyone else....you are doing great. I love reading all the posts. I think it helps me stay focused and know that others face the same challenges that I do.

    What an awesome group we are!! Pat yourselves on the backs my friends!!!

  12. Happy Monday everyone....

    I hope that muscle-building thing is what's happening with my body!!! I did so good this past week with WOE and WOEx, and still maintained. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week and doing weights and cardio...so I'll hang in there and hope to see a loss this next week. I feel good tho...and my SIL said today that the pounds are melting away...A pretty nice compliment I thought!!!

    How "eggy" do those shakes taste? I am not an egg eater (like maybe one omelet per cruise) so was just wondering....

    Have a great low-carb week everyone!!!!


  13. WOW.....it toolk me a long time to catch up with all the posts!!! Welcome to all the new posters...

    I am still hanging in there....my Grandma's birthday party was a huge sucess...we had over 70 guests sign the guest book. I ate more than I should have :eek: but I tried to make good choices and I lost 1 pound, so I am happy with that.

    Hopefully I will be back to reading almost every day again. This board is such an inspiration. Even when we have down times it helps to see other with the same struggles.

    Those muffins look awesome.....Gonna try them soon.

  14. It is great to read everyone's posts!!!

    Gooselace, you are my hero !!! 120 pounds and keeping it off...I aspire to be like you!!!

    Jaye, my dietician doesn't like my diet either, but my MD does, and I do, so I have quit arguing with her. Now I just say, my doctor says I need to stay low-carb for awhile longer since my bloodworth is improving....and I give her a sweet smile. :) Then the next time I see her, we go through the whole routine again....Oh well...Just stay focused and do what feels right for YOU !!!

    This is going to be a hard week for me. My grandmother turns 90 next Sunday and we are having an "Open House" party in her honor next Saturday, so there is so much food planned and getting set up and I pressure eat anyway... Help!!!!!!

    See you all later!!!


  15. Lost 3 more pounds this week...And a lot less swelling in my feet and lower legs. I think maybe the exercise has helped with the loss of weight and fluid. Thats a 40 pound loss for me since June 4th.

    Donna, I left you a reply on the 10% thread...I forgot that you were Atkins also. If you want an e-mail buddy, I'd love to encourage you, and heaven knows there are days I need encouragement.... swansonia@aol.com if you want a buddy. Don't let this week get you down!!! Hang in there!!!! And Kreeb has given you lots of things to ponder. And we are almost the same age, so I know what you are talking about there, too.:eek:

    Tom, your new picture is great. Love a man in a tux. ;)

    Mountaingurl, you only want to add about 5 grams of carbs per day for a week. If you are still losing, you can add 5 more per day for the next week. I never have gotten beyond the 30 grams per day level. I start craving things at that level....aaaarrrrrgggg....

    Kreeb, have a great cruise.

    Everyone have a good week...


  16. Man I love saying that!!! It's great to be a loser when you need to be isn't it?:D

    My take on the Atkins bars....I didn't use them my first 2 weeks of Induction, but I am not a breakfast eater and I despise eggs :p so now I have one of the Atkins morning bars almost every morning and I can't tell that it has hurt me. I know others have problems with them, but I still lose while using them...I'd say at least 5 mornings per week. I would think that each person have to see what the effect will be for them. I have one with a miniumum of 16 oz of water and that holds me till lunch. Just sharing my experience...others will disagree I am sure...

    I have been faithful to my exercise plan so far!!! I have to have bloodwork done soon, too and will let y'all know how that turns out.

    I am re-reading the Atkins book now myself. I am trying to read "cover-to-cover" to pick up on the things I missed before and re-enforce the principles that I am currently following...

    Happy Low-Carbs days everyone....

  17. I think we all struggle from time to time!!!

    I really enjoy Sugar Free Sheila when she drops in too! Been meaning to spend some time on her website, too. I surfed there one day and I think I can pick up some tips as well as some inspiration...Thank you for that Sheila ! I would love to be one a cruise with you. If it works out let us know here FIRST!!! :D

    Have a great week everyone....


  18. Sorry about your FIL...we all fall off the Atkins way from time to time...I, too, find the best way to get back on track is back to induction for about 3 days....by that time I am usually back in ketosis and feeling better. Congratulations on your sucess so far and welcome to our thread.


  19. And while that isn't setting any records...it was the first time I didn't GAIN on a cruise so I am a happy cruiser...I mean LOSER.....:D Thanks for all your encouragement....So now back to induction for a few days, just to kick-start and renew my efforts. This week is the beginning of a Diabetes Management Program as well and I have contracted for a minimum of 3 days of exercise for at least 30 minutes, so I have a real challenge ahead of me.

  20. Hi guys....Just back today from the Holiday. Had a great time and I am happy to report that I didn't stray too far off course. I had veal one night and it was breaded and sauced....But over all I feel I did a pretty good job of WOE. Also I took everyone's advice and took the stairs a lot. I have some arthritis in my hip so I can't always go several flights at the time so I would get DH to go up a couple of flights then walk forward or aft to the next set of stairs then go up some more and that worked well. We had intended to use the gym, but never quite made it. :o

    Our waiter insisted on bringing desserts everynight, but only twice did I even taste it and only ONE bite each time. DH and I both had no bread for the entire cruise. I am anxious to weigh and see how I did, but I dare not this late in the day.

    I read all your posts and everyone is doing great. Jean, I am sorry about your Grandma. Hang in there...I am the world's worst emotional eater...happy or sad...I am really trying to work on that aspect...

    Missed you guys this week....Happy to be home...Can't wait to cruise again....LOL...


  21. Just a quick last post before I sail away tomorrow....I lost 6 pounds this week. :D I knew I hadn't gone overboard last week, so I was thrilled that I dropped those pounds plus some addiotional ones...I think that should inspire me to eat better while crusing this week,

    Jean I actually LOL when I read your post about pressing the scale when hubby was weighing that was so FUNNY!!!

    Annie...Costa Maya wasn't on our itinerary for this cruise....Playa Del Carmen and Cozumel so we think we are in good shape.

    Have a great week everyone!! I'll be checking back to catch up one everyone's progress when I get home....

  22. Hi everyone....Back on track this week and was in ketosis yesterday.... I am getting ready for my cruise on Monday. I am taking some Atkins bars, too, and now after reading Tom's post, I think I'll go buy some nuts as well...While I do tend to eat too many nuts, they might be an alternative to the temptations on board that I am facing. I am definitely saying NO BREAD !!! That will be a great start for me since in the past I have had 2-3 pieces each dinner. I am trying to say NO DESSERT, but then I think of warm chocolate melting cake....:rolleyes: and I think "maybe a taste" or "just one night" and I know that would be even harder!!! So we'll see if I can talk myself into the cheese for dessert while hubby eats his......:confused:

    How are you doing Annie? I think your week into the land of most dieters has convinced me to stick with the low-carb WOE...It works for me !!! I couldn't find my Atkins book, so I went and bought a new copy and am going to read it (again) on the cruise and refresh my brain....And also want to read the parts about the supplements again....I bought some chromium the other day...Now I need to take it...What supplements are the rest of you taking???

    Enough ramblin for now !!!

    Here's to Low-Carb !!!!


  23. I am so proud of you all...Overcoming temptations like that!!! Cookies and Italian !!! How great does that make you feel? I had a tough time this week...Not sure why either...just wanted some no-no things and gave in... And, boy am I paying for it yesterday and today...My feet are so swollen...A little better today, but still not right... Gonna drink lots of water today and back to induction for a few days...Wish me well my dear friends!!!! Cruise is 8 days away and hurricane Dean is bearing down on my destinations...Cozunel and Playa Del Carmen...May be a cruise to nowhere...or may be a change in itinerary...Have to wait and see....


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