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Posts posted by Hellobello0

  1. 12 hours ago, capriccio said:


    Within the past 2 weeks there have been a number of articles saying that initial indications are that many covid patients don't develop the antibodies and in the cases of those that do, the antibodies do not last long.







    This... but they have helper T cells that come in. I don’t think antibodies mean anything to be honest. Some people don’t get them and don’t get reinfected. They have never studied a coronavirus the way they are studying this one though. I would be curious for them to study the flu like this as well. I’m actually curious if I have flu antibodies. I must... in early February my girls got flu b and I got nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️


    here’s a study on the T cells 


  2. On 7/5/2020 at 6:10 AM, Roberto256 said:


    I'm sorry about your illness.   Does testing positive for antibodies make you feel confident about cruising?


    I don't think anyone really knows yet, but there must be some level of antibodies that would be equivalent

    to receiving a vaccine...


    Honestly I don’t think the antibodies really mean anything. A lot of people don’t show up with measurable antibodies but they are finding that the helper T cells are making a huge difference in preventing re infection or serious symptoms. 

    I have a few friends that just got sick and they shared a drink with my other friend that I got sick back in March. 2 days later her sister and cousin both tested + for Covid. My friend got NOTHING. Her dr said since she has no antibodies it is her helper T cells. That’s why when my kids get the flu, common cold, etc, I rarely get sick. My body knows what to do. 

    I think covid is weakening as it spreads. I now know 10+ confirmed people that have had it with extremely mild or flu like symptoms. I’m thankful that everyone has been okay as I know others have not been as fortunate. 

    as far as cruising again, I would go tomorrow if they would let me lol. We are going to Hawaii next month and have to do the covid swab to go. Such a strange time in the world. 

  3. On 7/4/2020 at 6:26 PM, WAMarathoner said:

    If you were showing symptoms while still on the cruise, you likely brought whatever it was onboard with you.  Too soon for incubation.  Glad you're feeling better.

    The average onset of symptoms is 5 days. They say 97% of people will show symptoms by day 11. My friends who just had it 2 weeks ago got it 2 days after exposure. Super mild cold symptoms for them. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, taznremmy said:

    @Hellobello0  I was on the same sailing as you and loved the ship and the crew.  


    I too noticed a lot of coughing and wrote it off as "the season".  I had no problems after returning home, but then I am always cautious about washing my hands. touching my face, and using hand sanitizer, especially when on a ship.


    I did receive an email from Princess on March 11, and I'm including a copy for your information.  You might want to check your SPAM folder, or if you booked thru a TA, it may have gone to them.


    Happy to hear  you are feeling better.


    Princess Cruises®

    Royal Princess - Voyage 1011 - Booking Number  


    Dear Princess Guest:



    We hope you enjoyed your recent cruise on Royal Princess and are reaching out to provide you with an update regarding your voyage.


    You may have seen reports that the voyage after your cruise was cancelled. The day before Royal Princess arrived back in Los Angeles, Princess Cruises was requested by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to share information about a crew member who previously served on Grand Princess and had transferred to Royal Princess more than fifteen days earlier. The crew member was fifteen days past last potential exposure to COVID-19, has always remained asymptomatic, and had no known contact or exposure to other guests and crew on Grand Princess who became symptomatic.


    After sharing all information and details about the crew member, the CDC approved clearance for Royal Princess with no restrictions placed on the vessel and your disembarkation proceeded as scheduled. However, later that day the CDC informed us of their decision to issue a no-sail order until the crew member was tested for COVID-19. Regretfully, we cancelled the cruise scheduled to sail after yours while we waited for those results.


    We have now received the official results from the testing of the samples that were taken, and we are delighted to share with you that all of the samples taken tested negative for COVID-19.


    We regret any worry this may have caused you. Please know that the safety, health and well-being of our guests and crew is always our top priority.


    We thank you for sailing with us and we look forward to welcoming you aboard another Princess cruise in the future.



    Kind regards,



    Princess Cruises



    Notice: This is an automated email; please do not reply as this mailbox is not monitored.






    Thank you for the email!! I didn’t receive this. The cruise was great! The crew was amazing. 

    I’m glad you saw there was a lot of coughing as well! At least I wasn’t imagining it. Glad you didn’t get sick! We had a 10, 8, 6, 5, 4 and 1 year old on board with us. I suspect that is how any germs got to us lol. I was washing hands like crazy but you know how little kids are. My kids got little coughs but nothing serious thankfully. Us adults got it worse. So strange. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Buckeye10640 said:

    I was sailing that same week, but in the Carribean. I am sorry to hear you were sick but glad you have recovered. I just want to say that I respect your attitude that people get sick and it is not necessarily  the fault of the cruiseline. This  is a pandemic unlike anything most of us have ever seen in our lifetime. 

    Thank you! I 100% would never blame the cruise. People are dishonest going on cruises all the time. That’s why there are so many outbreaks in general. And honestly getting sick is a part of life. All of my kids go to preschool and let me tell you we have had SO many different viruses through our home and I don’t blame the preschool. It’s part of being a mom of little kids. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Roberto256 said:


    You can try the CDC Covid-19 self checker, and decided if you had matching symtoms:




    Eventually, there will be a Serological test available, which will tell you if you actually had Covid-19:





    I guess if you had, there is an upside ... current thinking is that this will give you immunity going forward.

    But, there haven't been any studies on this yet.


    It would be nice to have immunity but I’ve also been seeing that they are having people test positive again so I don’t know what to think 🥴😂

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  7. 2 hours ago, DrivesLikeMario said:

    They say that here in California, many people had Covid-19 quite awhile before it broke out in other places due to the high concentration of people coming into California from Asia, it just wasn't named here then.  I do think this is true especially since in South Orange County, (where some of your fellow passengers could've been from), people go back and forth to Asia quite often.  

    I agree. I live in OC and my friends daughter goes to a school where people flew in from Wuhan after it all broke out. She never got sick but it was a stressful time for them knowing they had exposure. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, land lover said:

     Just read this addition by you OP...I would agree, u probably had it...from what information we are gathering as time goes on....Glad you had a nice time on the cruise.


    Maybe someone will respond and let you know their experience on the same sailing, is all I know we on the Panorama were certainly envious of you guys getting off your ship and we also heard the next sailing was cancelled....while we were awaiting to know what our fate was... So sorry about your illnesses.


    I was so nervous for your guys ship. The morning we disembarked, they were telling us over the speakers to proceed with disembarking as they were running 30 minutes early. We felt like we were kind of rushed off. 

    Our illnesses were mild but I definitely haven’t felt that crappy in a long time. 

  9. 5 hours ago, chipmaster said:


    Glad to read your family was blessed with good immune system, sadly there are large percentages of the population not as fortunate as you.


    Sad also testing isn't wide spread available yet, but someday a antibody test for you and the family may yield the truth.  


    In the meantime as you can obviously whatever you had you had a big R0, LOL 

    Lol that’s the other reason why I am so curious because all 4 of my friends got sick... I stayed away from them for a week but I still had no smell and a slight cough but no fever and they all still got sick! It was strange to me. I mean they see other people as well but I would have never went around them had I thought I was potentially carrying it. 

  10. 5 hours ago, bluesea321 said:


    Do you know that the next cruise on the Royal, the one scheduled for Mar 7 (the day you disembarked) was cancelled due to COVID concerns?  I don't know what happened to the crew member.


    "In a tweet, Princess Cruises said a crew member who previously served on the Grand Princess was transferred to the Royal Princess ship over two weeks ago, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue a "no-sail order" for the ship until the individual was tested for COVID-19."


    Yes, they say that the crew member tested  negative in their twitter and FB updates from March 11th. So that’s good... but I also have heard reports of others getting sick after getting off but at this point it was probably so widespread so could have been everywhere 

  11. Thank you guys. I definitely won’t be suing Princess for anything and think it’s insane that some people are. We all knew there was a pandemic going on, I was nervous and wanted to not go, they wouldn’t refund us though. But that was part of the contract when we agreed to go and as another poster stated, there were few confirmed cases at the time. There could have been unconfirmed cases, but again, we won’t know until antibody testing. 

    on a good note, the cruise was great! My 1 year old has anaphylactic food allergies and they are the first people I’ve allowed to cook for her besides myself. So that was a huge deal for our family. 

    When I got off the cruise they said the only symptoms of covid were cough, high fever and SOB still so I just thought I was sick and didn’t think about it being covid until all the mild symptom people started coming out and they started publishing loss of smell which I 100% had. I couldn’t smell my daughters diaper or my coffee anymore. It was so weird. I will definitely update on antibody results! I do feel like it was probably just the flu, but even still I just wonder if anyone else got anything. 

    also, I don’t know why Princess wouldn’t respond about if anyone was positive... I too reported to them that I was having symptoms and both me and my aunt tried getting tested but we didn’t meet criteria. Oh well, it’s not a big deal and I will still go on a cruise again. Thank you for responding! 

  12. Hello! I am a long time lurker that’s just made a profile because I am searching for info. First off, I want to give a disclaimer that I am not blaming princess for any illnesses whatsoever. People get sick. That’s a part of life. 

    We went on the cruise sailing from San Pedro 2/29-3/7 right before they stopped all cruises. There were people coughing EVERYWHERE. It is flu season so it honestly could have been the flu. 

    I got sick starting with night sweats on the cruise. I thought I had been drinking too much so didn’t think much of it. On sat night after getting home, my throat started hurting. Sunday I was exhausted, had a fever of 100.8 (finally checked it, I could have had a fever on the cruise but I was so busy with my 3 kids that I just took 1-2 Advil and kept moving). My symptoms progressed to a bad headache, body aches, sinus pressure, congestion, complete loss of smell, mild loss of taste, slight cough, neck pain, sharp stabbing kidney pain, and exhaustion. I called my Kaiser Dr thinking I had a sinus infection, but it was so dry so my dr just prescribed the z pack but said not to take it unless I had green boogers, which never happened. Eventually I started feeling better, but my exhaustion took almost a month to go away. Also, since I got sick my temperature has stayed elevated to 99.3-99.8 ish. It’s strange.

     I got worried thinking there was NO way I was still run down from my “flu/cold” and worried I needed to be checked out by the dr for something seriously wrong with me, but I finally feel better now. Also, My mom, dad, brother, husband, aunt, cousins, all came down with varying symptoms too. 

    I emailed Princess asking them if others reported any flu symptoms after getting off the boat and telling them about my symptoms but that I couldn’t get tested because my Dr said I didn’t travel to China or Italy. They still haven’t emailed back. 

    I was just wondering if anyone else came down with anything or if they know more that hasn’t been brought out. I def could have had the flu, but my daughter had the Flu B in early February and I got nothing... so I was very surprised that We all got sick on this cruise. I know there are a ton of different strains of the flu so who knows. 

    I read a tweet on Twitter a few weeks ago that I unfortunately didn’t screenshot and I so wish I did so I could find it again... it said that someone came home from a Royal Princess Cruise and had super mild symptoms and they spread it to others who tested + for Covid but I mean do they really know?! It’s been community spread for a while. My group of friends ended up all getting sick (4 girls)... 3 had super mild symptoms and 1 was almost bad enough to go to the hospital but they wouldn’t test her unless she was admitted. It was insane. She’s okay now and getting antibody tested next week, so I might have more answers. I also will be getting antibody tested. 

    thank you for reading and I truly hope we just had the flu and didn’t potentially pass it to lots of other vulnerable people! 


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