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Posts posted by chloe77

  1. Is it important to use each person's exact cruise fare rather than the trip total cost when buying cruise insurance? We have a 3rd and 4th person deal where my kids are around $500 each but my husband and I are thousands each. Some of the broker websites just ask me for total cost. But when I go to the insurance company's direct site, some (IMG LX for example) want fare per person. If I put exact fare per person, the total cost of insurance is higher than if I put the total fare divided by four people in. Does it matter whether I use exact cost per person or total cost? Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much. He has not seen his allergist since June 2023 for a routine annual check up. No medication changes were made. He hasn't had an allergic reaction requiring medical attention since 2022. So are you saying that even though his allergy was diagnosed many years ago, since he hasn't had any of the listed issues during the lookback period, it wouldn't be considered a preexisting condition?


    That's where I'm confused. It's preexisting, but nothing happened during the lookback period. 


    Thanks so much.

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  3. I didn't buy travel insurance at my initial payment but I can buy it within 24 hours of final payment, and I'm wondering if I need the preexisting medical coverage for food allergies? We have a family member with anaphylactic nut allergies. He hasn't seen a doctor or received treatment in the past 8 months for a reaction, but he's been under the yearly care of an allergist since he was a baby to have his epipens prescribed, etc. Are nut allergies a preexisting condition? That's the only reason (aside from a freak accident) that I could see us needing medical coverage, and I don't want to choose a policy that doesn't have a preexisting condition waiver and then have them deny a claim. But the coverage seems to be better/cheaper if I don't need the waiver. Any advice? Thank you!

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