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Posts posted by cat5dog1

  1. Hi Everyone! Hoping you can answer some of my questions. We're taking our 10 year old son on his first cruise (and our first one in 13 years) I googled family friendly cruises and besides Disney cruises (which are totally out of our budget) the anthem of the seas popped up. I was instantly excited because it's out of New Jersey and we LOVE New York so we thought we would spend a few days there. Now I'm on Cruise Critic and seriously only 50% of families were happy on this ship!?! What's up with that? The quote I got is insanely cheap for such a new ship ($2300 on a balcony) and I'm just wondering if there are going to be all sorts of fees I wasn't expecting once we get on. I know about tipping and that some meals can cost extra, but what else costs money on the ship?


    Also wondering about the balcony. The quote we got is for category x. So my guess is we'll get one that has an obstruction. Are we better off just getting an inside cabin or is the balcony still worth it? If I'm sitting down can I still see the ocean?


    How does the whole dining concept work? Is the food good? Does the menu change every night or are we stuck with the same menu the whole trip?


    We never take trips like this and it's hard to say when we're going to do it again so I just want to make sure we do it right. Any thoughts, different ships, or suggestions would be great!!! Thanks guys!!!



    Just got off Anthem last week. Loved it! Never seemed crowded. Crew was very friendly. Plenty to keep preteens occupied in seaplex. Grandkids did bumper cars several times, circus school, roller skating a few times, basketball, arcade, air hockey, foosball, table tennis, rock climbing and ifly. Also went to adventure ocean aka kids club, made friends and enjoyed it the times they went. They also went to indoor and outdoor pools, hot tubs and lazy river whirlpool.



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  2. can I ask what time you arrived to the pier? I wonder if it would be an option to have one person walk up to the car, bring the car down to the first floor and load bags on that way? Instead of waiting for the elevator? Is that an option?



    Ship got to pier 6:3o-7 and started letting people off 7:30-8ish. Sorry I don't remember exact times. We were late getting off ship because we were waiting for wheelchair which never came. They also were behind due to something with customs. I would estimate we started to leave around 10 and we were definitely on road 10:35. Lines kept moving.


    They have an area on the first level where someone can wait with the bags while driver gets car. They direct car into parking space, you load bags and proceed to put paid ticket in gate. Did not take long at all.



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  3. Holy cow,we saw your other thread on this already... Accidents happen,this is by far not the end of the world..Stuff breaks,cracks,causes injury.Its a shame it happened but worse then this happens to me daily..



    Glad to hear that. Sad that only certain people are allowed to ask questions or make comments in this forum.


    Sorry that I am curious if they have done anything about it and would like other people to be aware of the hazard


    You could have easily just ignored my post but no you have to be a jerk about it and make a wise comment. Glad not everyone on here is like you!



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  4. Have you noticed any repairs to the outdoor pool steps? Particularly the ones on the side with the towel desk.


    Granddaughter cut her heel very badly last week. Spoke with chief safety officer about it and just wonder if they took steps to prevent. Hard plastic is coming off edge of steps leading into pool and creates sharp knife-like edge.


    Medical glued and butterflied but now heel is infected. Co-pay, 3 meds and crutches for injury caused by ship hazard.



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  5. Parking at Cape Liberty was super easy. We pulled up and dropped off bags. All of us drove to parking garage and actually got space on 2nd floor near elevator and stairs. Coming back I paid for parking in cash - no line. One went to get car and rest of us took bags and waited in pick up area of parking garage. Long line for elevator but steps without bags took no time. I would say from time we got in line to leave ship to time we got on the road was about a half hour.



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  6. My granddaughter cut her heel very badly last week on the steps leading to the pool outside. If you are in that area could you please check to see if they have done anything?


    The plastic coating is coming off the wooden steps and the remaining coating has very sharp edges. It happened on the long set of steps that people sit on. The set she got hurt on are on the side of the ship near the towel stand.


    Medical glued and butterflied the heel. Now it is infected. The Chief Safety Officer spoke with her and my daughter contacted Royal's corp. no one has gotten back to her.



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  7. It makes sense. The more devises you have the cheaper it gets, right? So you are traveling with a group, multiple rooms, and you decide to share. So they discovered that many people are sharing after they did some kind of analysis and decided that they will limit it to 2 since a person most likely would not be trying to use two devises at the same time.




    Of course the abuse of something, makes it for others to suffer that used the service without sharing with other friends or roll call members or numerous other groups.




    Now for those that think sharing is good for drink packages, I hope you read this........



    We just got off Anthem. My daughter and I were in the same cabin and going to share a 2 device streaming package. She was logged into her phone and work laptop. Problem was we had trouble logging out. When we entered the web address to log off it would go to a different page. I ended up buying my own package.



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  8. Use caution when using the steps leading to the outdoor pool on the Anthem of the Seas. We just got back Thursday and on Wednesday my granddaughter cut her heel very badly. She was going down the steps and scraped the front side of the step. In looking closer at the steps we found that the wood is covered in plastic. This plastic is coming off on the edge of the steps and is very sharp.


    The crew was semi-helpful. Someone came right over and got a wheelchair to take her to medical. Someone else got a mop and cleaned up all the blood. We wrapped her foot in one of the beach towels which they ended up throwing away due to all the blood. I was reassured that I would not be charged for the towel. So far I haven't been charged for the medical visit either.


    Medical was off duty and someone made sure they came in to tend to my granddaughter. They ended up gluing it together and holding it with butterflies. It is hard to describe her wound but it was at an angle, pretty deep and covered her entire heel. It has since opened back up and is infected.


    She was brought back to the cabin in a wheelchair but that is where the kindness ends. We tried to get a wheelchair for her to use this last day since she couldn't walk on her foot. There were no wheelchairs available. Guess they keep some on hand for emergencies?? My daughter ended up carrying her on her back.


    I went to Guest Services and they again said that there were no wheelchairs available. They asked if she needed assistance getting off the ship. Guess that didn't matter as the ship was empty and no one was available to take her off the ship. Again my daughter carried her on her back.


    My daughter emailed Royal Caribbean about the experience but no one has gotten back to her.

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