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Posts posted by Adultsonlyyesplease

  1. We were on this trip as well. I agree with most everything OP stated and think the review is pretty spot on. A few things I would add:



    Sangria carafe at the Dock is amazing!

    The Manor is a very fun nightclub.

    Talent onboard was great.

    Overall, the kid-free experience made this the best cruise we have ever been on.



    Chairs on terrace are super uncomfortable. 

    No volleyball at Bimini 😞

    Smelled smoke while walking the track. I think the staff smoking section might be right there. Pretty gross!

    Good, adult-themed comedian was missing.



    • Like 1
  2. To follow up… Virgin did call and had a representative fix our cabin issue. He very kindly explained what happened and stressed that they are learning from their mistakes. I’m impressed that they are reading Cruise Critic and addressing the problems that they see here. I’m happy to say they actually do care about their customers. Now I’m excited to set sail!!

    • Like 3
  3. @virginvoyages, cruise critic does not allow me to send you a message. Hopefully you can reach out to me. My 3 booking reservations are 65753, 65755, and 65756. My name is Kr… Ke…. I hope to hear from you as no one from your customer support could. PLEASE make this right!

  4. Totally unacceptable. This was to be a family holiday trip and now we won’t be able to hang out in our cabins and get ready together, etc, especially since now I’ll be traveling all alone. I can’t believe they couldn’t upgrade you as your ship was only half full. Grrrr

  5. In a nutshell, booked two years ago three cabins all next to each other so family could be close. Come to find out they switched up our rooms last minute apparently due to “cabin modifications” and now we are far apart. They won’t do anything besides making us pay for their unsolicited changes ($900/room since no inside cabins close to sea terrace cabin). Additionally, my husband no longer able to come due to family emergency. Due to some “coupon” applied to my husband’s account which I have no idea about, they are saying we OWE $302 to take my husband off the trip. What????? Makes zero sense. Beware anyone looking to book on Virgin. They have done nothing but upset us three days before we sail. I’m so disappointed.

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