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Everything posted by bcooney91

  1. yupp, that's because anyone in any cabin can cancel at the last minute, so they're going to keep bids open to make as much money as possible if someone cancel.
  2. Sorry to inform you but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The real algorithm is much much much more complicated but the goal is simple, for Celebrity/RC to make as much money as humanly possible. I know this because I spoke to the person who works for the team that manages the program. They start with unbooked cabins and look at what bids are submitted for them. Then they look at what cabins the bidders are in and if they approve those bids then the bidders cabins become available and what bids are on their cabins and who bid for them and so on and so forth. So it's a tiered system and they approve based on how much money they can profit. If the ship has a lot of unsold rooms they'll start the process early which is why some cruises start getting approvals weeks in advance. If the ship is pretty well sold out they'll wait until a week before or even a day or two before. They also re-evaluate as the sail date gets closer due to cancellations, and then no-shows the final day. If it comes down to a tie and someone bid the same amount then it's whoever submitted the bid first, if they bid on the same day in the same hour then I believe it does finally default to loyalty, but it's like the last decision make in a tie breaker. I've been on 11 cruises and been eligible to bid on 8 of them I believe. I've won three. Two of the three were minimum bids. I rarely bid over minimum. Obviously if you bid more you have a higher chance, but just because you bid higher than someone else doesn't mean you're going to win. If you're booked cabin isn't desirable (have high bids on it) but someone else's does and they can accept a higher bid to replace their cabin then they might win. It's a chain effect and all based on profit. That's why it's impossible for anyone outside of the company to know/track because you have no idea who bid how much and what cabin they were in and what bids are on their cabin, etc. But one thing is for sure, the program is not meant to be a benefit for you, it's meant to be a profit maker for the company that they sell/market as a benefit to you. And the only fairness in it is if you're going to make the company a bigger profit.
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