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Posts posted by nsmama1972

  1. Hi all.


    It's been over 10 year since we last cruised.Covid certainly has caused a few hiccups to get back ! 

    So looking forward to going cruising again.


    I called carnival   after speaking to someone who had to go further up chain to ask  I waited 1 hr 15 min , she checked in once to see how I was holding  then after another 20 min I was sent to survey without an answer.

    It would appear I asked a difficult question.


    Covid test can still show positive up to 3 months after recovering.

    Canadian air lines allow for this as long as within post14days  -  90 days ( west jet) 

    How do they handle this at the port ?

    If I have my pos test and recovery letter will they let me on if my pretest still shows pos but it's from the previous infection?


    I called back and am on hold again but though I ask here .


    Anyone have previous experience ?

    Thank you.


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