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Posts posted by Tink55

  1. 44 minutes ago, Eli_6 said:

    Don't feel bad. We all make mistakes. We can't be 100 percent vigilant 100 percent of the time.  I had a Rolex stolen out of my house. Can only assume it was by someone who did work in my house as we had various renovators in our house for 18+ months.  I had removed it and taken it with me when we moved out of the house for major home repairs, but when we moved back in, I unpacked it (even though the repairs were still ongoing to other parts of the house but not my bedroom) thinking no one would be ballsy enough to steal it literally right under my nose when I was home with cameras placed throughout the house. Unfortunately, I am not sure exactly when it went missing so I can't say for sure who even did it. My best guess is some worker came into my bedroom at some point when I was outside with my kids or taking a shower or something similar. (I have cameras in the hallway but not my bedroom.) My husband also had an approximately $300 watch missing, but it was nowhere near as expensive as my Rolex.  Only saving grace is that no one took my Birkin bags which are worth even more...which may go to the fact it was probably a man who stole it and had no clue that they were more valuable than the watch.  Or, perhaps, a watch is something easy to stick in a pocket and he couldn't just walk out the door with a big purse without me noticing.  The deductible on our home owner's insurance is as much as the watch so no point in claiming on it.  Point being: I have been there. People make mistakes sometimes and it is a shame that we can't depend on people's honesty.


    I am so sorry this happened to you😔!  The only thing that helps me sleep at night is, I like to think they needed it more than I did💔

    • Like 2
  2. 18 minutes ago, canes20 said:



    How much of this post did you actually read?

    It wasn’t the last day of the cruise, it was the first day.  As we walked down the hall we saw them deliver our luggage and we were in there within seconds.  When I called carnival and asked if I could lock our luggage they said no.  If I can’t believe a rep from carnival, who am I to believe ?

  3. 34 minutes ago, sparks1093 said:

    OP, is it possible that the item might have been put into a luggage pocket? That happened with an item we lost after a cruise. I last saw the item in our big suitcase and when we got home it wasn't there. Bummed but not a huge deal (a build a bear surrogate granddaughter made). Went on a business trip in February and when I unpacked the garment bag I checked the front pocket for grins and viola, build a bear discovered. DW had moved it. So check those pockets.

    Thank you for your comment, but I obsessively checked every piece of luggage we used, plus ones I didn’t use at home, at least 20 times!   My husband finally told me to stop🤦‍♀️.

    • Like 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, fla33023 said:

    If I come outside and my car is not in the driveway, I will say that someone stole it. I don't need to retrace my steps or think that I misplaced it. Someone stole it. If she had jewelry in her suitcase and it's now gone, she can speculate that someone stole it. It's a known fact that we live amongst thieves. I appreciate her reminder to not put things of value in checked luggage at any time. 

      Thank you for your comment.  I went straight from our home to the port, no stops and only a 3 hour drive.  My eyes were not off of the luggage until I checked it in and immediately unpacked when I went into the room, which was right after I was allowed in.  You’re right, I wanted it to be a reminder/warning.  If I am wrong about someone stealing, I will definitely come on here with my apologies and admit I was wrong.

    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, rolloman said:

    I doubt the baggage handlers have time to rifle through every checked bag. Was your luggage Louis Vuittone, Coach or something name brand similar? 


    1 hour ago, klfrodo said:

    My thoughts will be controversial, but, that's on me.


    My first thought is that the post starts out bolding implying that somebody stole something. Thats a very strong and personalized opinion. Not a proven fact.

    Maybe something like, I had some jewelry come up lost, misplaced, or stolen, what are my options would have set better with me.

    I filed a claim a few years back with Carnival and worded as such. After they denied finding said object, I was disappointed but placed the blame on myself for not keeping better track of my belongings. A couple of months later, I found my lost object in my shaving kit. I did all this without blindly accusing someone of being a thief with no proof.


    Maybe these items were stolen. Who knows, but that's why you have insurance. Whether it be travel insurance, homeowners' insurance, or if very valuable, a separate insurance policy.

    I have NEVER, in my 60 years accused any one of stealing!  I always give the benefit of the doubt.  The fact is, my jewelry was packed in a container in my check in bag, we drove from home to Baltimore port.  I checked my bags and when it got to my room i immediately unpacked and it was gone.  I have obsessively looked through all of my luggage and even my house when we got home, just in case.  The LAST thing I want to to is to think that it was stolen, I like to think the best of people.  I’m not mad about it but I’m hurt.  What would your conclusion be?

    • Like 5
  6. 17 minutes ago, crewsweeper said:

    If you stayed in a hotel the night before you sailed, you may wish to contact them, it see if it was left in your room.


    2 minutes ago, starstruck05 said:

    You should file a police report with Baltimore PD. If it was stolen and done by shoreside staff, they do not work for Carnival but fir tge port so any investigation will need to do done by the actual police department or port authority (basically police but for the port only). 


    Just now, Tink55 said:

    No, we left from home and drove to port, no flights or hotels.

    I never thought to contact to police, I will certainly do that.  I did contact carnival and Baltimore port.

  7. 16 minutes ago, crewsweeper said:

    If you stayed in a hotel the night before you sailed, you may wish to contact them, it see if it was left in your room.

    No, we left from home and drove to port, no flights or hotels.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

    Well, they suggest you don't, but they used to tell you to lock it. I lock mine. If they want to inspect, I can unlock and they can inspect in my presence. The porters etc., aren't Carnival employees.

    If you look on there website they suggest not locking, to make sure, I even called and they said not to lock it.

    • Haha 1
  9. 16 hours ago, kctwinmommy said:

    I'm so sorry! Was a report filed with Carnival? I'm not sure if you have an idea when or where it happened. But I would file a report at least.

    I did file a report and it when missing from the time I dropping off my luggage to immediately unpacking when it got into my room.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Purvis1231 said:

    I hate to say this but baggage handlers are untrustworthily. The porters taking the bags from the car can quickly open them without being notice search for anything of value. Secondly, those doing the x-ray can notice something of potential value and open it themselves or pass that information on to a crew member who can quickly reach in and take it. Most places have cameras watching them but remember crooks have the time and patience to wait for the best time. 

    Sad, but true. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, notscb said:

    I'm sorry that these items have been misplaced- especially ones of sentimental value.


    As i've read through this thread and seen your replies, I'm wondering if when you repacked your bag you may have left your jewelry wherever you were staying the night prior? Where did the decision to put your carry on items into your checked luggage take place?


    Your bag was tossed around while being loaded onto the ship, so it's not surprising to find it a bit messed up once you get it to your room (have you seen the way bags are handled? It's not pretty).

    We drove from home to Baltimore port, no flight involved.  I have checked my house from top to bottom.  I had it in a purse like item inside of my luggage.

  12. 16 hours ago, kctwinmommy said:

    I'm so sorry! Was a report filed with Carnival? I'm not sure if you have an idea when or where it happened. But I would file a report at least.

      Thank you. Yes, I did file a report.

  13. Yes, my luggage was opened and looked at, I noticed that things had been rearranged a bit when I immediately unpacked when I got to my room.   I have no reason to lie about this and the last thing I wanted to believe was that my items were stolen!

  14. I noticed it was missing when I got into my room and unpacked. Again, it was on accident that I put my jewelry in my check bag, but still, no reason to steal. Yes, my lesson was learned, some baggage handlers are thieves!

    • Like 1
  15. We just got off of the Carnival Legend, July 23, 2023.  There were no flight’s involved.  I had my jewelry in my check bag.  Before everyone rips into me for making this rookie mistake, it was a last minute decision to put some of my carryons into my luggage, forgetting my jewelry was in one of the bags.  I never saw my jewelry after my luggage went through the check in process.  I’m heartbroken, as one piece was my, now deceased mothers that my father had given her.  Some people have no conscience.  I just wanted to warn everyone.  Again, don’t get on me, I’m devastated enough.💔

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