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Posts posted by mystte

  1. Thank you Chaz, I have heard that you need to start taking meducation before you get on board - how long before should I start.

    I have been on boats with no prpb but back in 1990 crossing from UK to Netherlands I did feel strange so assumed it was seasickness and went to bed, but I have heard that that could be a rough crossing.

    I just hope I really aren't prone to it. Fingers crossed.


    And JLC@SD many thanks for the photos - I just wish I had the memories to go with it!:)



  2. All's well - I looked up the ship and its history. Very interesting. I did realize there were two ships and that the original had a fire in the engine room and was towed to port, and as they were unable to buy the necessary parts to fix her economically, she was scrapped.


    I came out from Poland in1959 and had my first birthday on board - I guess that's an anniversary right now as it was my birthday on Sunday.


    That's an interesting comment you make suey re stabilizers as my father says that my mother and about 90% of people were extremely sick on ship - no wonder!!! I just assumed she had a bad bout of sea sickness and was preparing myself for the worst in case I took after her and not my Father!!!!


    I will assume the Pacific Sun will be a little better....:D

  3. Thank you Druke, looked up the site and now will do a search - knew someone would have an idea.

    Great site "Whatever happened to" nice to see you there Karmac - you were lucky to cruise at 14 as I was only a baby on crossing and don't remember a thing! Need to make up for it!

  4. Hi does anyone know if a ship called the Fairsea back in the 50s was a P&O ship. I don't know much about ship names from back then but I think some of you do. Was just talking to my father and he mentioned we came out from Europe on that ship os something like it - it was my birthday and well... a couple or more reds... you know what I mean:D

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