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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I am pretty sick. I have had both vaccines and also a booster, but I have not had the 4th shot yet. I’m a 39 year old mom and my husband is 37; I work out regularly and neither of us is overweight. This is the first time we’ve ever caught covid and it’s really taken me down. My energy level is currently zero, which is hard because I have a 7 year old who is bouncing off the walls and it’s too hot here to send her outside. I am of course aware the vaccines are meant to keep you from being seriously ill, and it appears ours are performing this function. It feels like a very bad flu for me, but I never get sick like this. I feel like cruising nowadays is all about your risk level and what you are willing to do. For us it was worth the covid risk because you can catch it everywhere, although more likely on a cruise. Just be prepared for that. Like I mentioned, this is just the world we live in today, and this variant is a totally different animal. Even if you had it a few weeks ago you could get it again much quicker than you think. That being said, we really enjoyed our cruise and we’d make the same choice again!
  2. I was also on Discovery last week and my husband and I are now down with Covid. I think this variant is extraordinarily transmissible, even if you had omicron or another variant recently. If you’re cruising soon, I would just be prepared for a rise in cases for the next 4-6 weeks or so. Unfortunately that’s just the world we are living in now and the risks we take cruising during this weird covid time. Hope you feel better soon, RJ!
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