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Posts posted by KimInTime

  1. 19 hours ago, MrsTocko said:

    The standard free at sea drink package does not cover “specialty” drinks,  which the Starbucks at the atrium cafe is considered.  So you have to pay per drink.  Which is more than you pay in a regular Starbucks store on land.  Starbucks in places like an airport, or hotel are more expensive than a regular Starbucks. On the ship you are paying closer to the airport prices.  My usual go to is a venti Carmel macchiato and I pay 5.45 for that at my neighborhood Starbucks.  I paid 6.20 on the Star last month for a grande. Yes, the 6.20 did include an automatic gratuity.


    if you want the specialty coffees included in your drink package, you will need to upgrade to the premium beverage PLUS package.


    Here is a photo of the atrium cafe, Starbucks menu:



    Ah right, I gotcha. It turns out it’s really not far off Helsinki prices one way or the other, in fact a little bit cheaper. Starbucks Finland 


    I’d order one a day… MAYBE. Getting the package might’ve been awesome, but I won’t miss it one way or the other I don’t think.

  2. 12 hours ago, MrsTocko said:

    I was on the Star last month, no Starbucks.  They have the atrium cafe, where your get a limited Starbucks menu.  They will auto include a gratuity automatically to your total.  In addition, if you are paying per drink, they are more expensive.  You can not use your Starbucks card on board, only room charges.  I had the standard FAS.  Did not upgrade to the plus, as we didn’t feel it was worth the added expense to buy for both of us, when I would be the only one using it. And that would be the ONLY reason for us to add it.


    I don't really understand the thing about ordering at the Atrium, that if you're paying per drink, it's more expensive. More expensive than what? It's not possible to order as a package, so I'm not sure what the price per drink is being compared to?


    For reference, I'm new to this kind of cruising. I take hops between Helsinki and Stockholm or Tallinn all the time, but I don't know the ins and outs of how it's wrong to order at the atrium.

  3. Yeah I noticed it appear during my check-in for the Star (Aug. 24th), but you can't add it to cart or anything, so I guess it's maybe not available on the Star? Maybe the Star doesn't have a Starbucks yet? I dunno, but then again at least one excursion, the coders forgot to convert Unix time to normal time, so the excursion lasts a for billions of hours.



    • Haha 4
  4. My family are booked on the 11 day Reykjavik - London cruise Aug 24th on the Star. According to the website, we leave Reykjavik on the 24th and the next day is a sea day. According to the port, and confirmed when you call NCL, we’re in Reykjavik two days.


    That’s awesome, but you can’t book any excursions for Reykjavik. That’s fine with me, I’m going to Sky Lagoon, but my parents keep calling and asking them to fix it, and they’re always very nice and they can see the problem, and they refer it to IT, but that was a month ago. 

    I guess NCL will shrug and wonder why absolutely zero people booked any Reykjavik excursions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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