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Posts posted by Jasontobway

  1. 16 hours ago, OCSC Mike said:


    Waiting for my "official" assignment for my July B2B with both legs guaranteed (I'm still 39 and 42 days out or something). I know my cabins from the bar code trick but can't try to switch until they're official... and I definitely want to switch one if not both.

    How do you switch your guarantee cabin once it's assigned. Just call RCCL customer service?

  2. I checked in 45 days before my cruise when it opened up at 12:01am EST. It allowed me to enter traveler information, passports, vaccination info, but when I click the arrival time button it opens a page that states "Not quite ready for you, check back closer to your cruise to select an arrival time and complete check-in"


    I've searched the boards and I see this has happened to others but most say it eventually opens up in a day or 2. Not the case for me. Anyone else have this happen and can tell me when you were actually able to select your arrival time? 


    Sailing Harmony of the Seas on July 3rd. 

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