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Everything posted by hthunt033

  1. We recently booked a trip on Star Clipper's Royal Clipper ship for 2023 in the mediterranean but were put off by a couple of highly detailed, credible, negative post-COVID reviews we found on Cruise Critic which seemed to suggest that the condition of the Royal Clipper had suffered during the pandemic. The company representative with whom we are talking can not explain the reviews; forcibly stands by her employer; and I also note that this particular Star Clipper cruise is filling up at a rapid rate. I am looking for anyone in our community who has taken a cruise on this specific ship on or after Spring of 2022. If so, I ask you to post a review or even better respond to me privately by email to hthunt033@icloud.com or phone number below -- perhaps these reviews were planted by a competitor or someone with a grudge against the company and we would like to know. Thank you. Henry Hunt, 856-986-6545
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