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Everything posted by cruisevibes

  1. I honestly couldn’t care less if they’re climbing on an art sculpture but the parents will when it gets damaged and they have to pay for it. Then, they’ll wish they actually did their job as parents. It’s a statue, not a playground. Such trashy behavior for a Royal ship. It’s the anthem of the seas, not the margaritaville 😂
  2. That’s the thing, as amazing as virgin cruises are they will soon be doing family cruises unfortunately.
  3. There were 2 sets of kids. The first set are the ones I was speaking of. They were toddlers. The second set were the teens pictured in this attachment. The teens climbed on top of the sculpture and took pics on it. This pic shows them standing on the stage around it but they did actually climb to the top. I’m sure it’s on RC surveillance for the ship. The other guests next to us were gasping when they saw it. We were all like wow, all of Jamie’s had a front view. I’m sure the teens posted the pics on social media. Maybe searching RC or anthem of the seas hashtags will help you find their pics.
  4. The ship itself looks awesome, but to those of us without kids it looks intimidating. I was on Anthem of the seas for thanksgiving week, the amount of kids running in front of us all around the ship was very annoying. Imagine this monstrosity of a ship called Icon of the seas where it has multi-levels dedicated to families. That's a lot of kids running around going nuts without parental supervision. Let's be honest, parents don't seem to want to be parents lately (or it seems so in public). We saw kids climbing on top of the art piece outside of Jamie's on Anthem of the seas. Not one crew member did anything or asked them to climb down and they shouldn't have. It's not their job to parent someone's kids. The parents sure didn't do anything, their attitude was like "they're just being kids" while they climbed on a piece of art worth thousands of dollars. The point is that as incredible as Icon looks, a lot of us will pass on this ship so we don't have to deal with the kids who don't have manners because the parents refuse to actually raise them. Anyone else feel the same way? I'm not trying to be inconsiderate, I have nephews and nieces also but their parents are actually parenting them and keep them well-behaved in public. It would be awesome if the next Icon class was less family-focused and more of a general cruising style.
  5. Fun, we’ll look for you at vintages. Usually, that’s where they have the lgbt meetup at night on other cruises.
  6. Hey cruisers! My partner and I are going on Anthem for thanksgiving week. Will any of you also be attending this week? I’m sure there will be a meetup at vintages some nights. Anyhow, just wanted to say hello and happy cruising!
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