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Everything posted by sjpkgp

  1. @raino144 @Mark_T @perakcruiser @Heartgrove Thank you so much for all of the fabulous information and pictures and tip on having cruise papers. I am happy that we are going out of one of the docks in the horseshoe bay, it won't matter too much which one I guess, just needed to know it wasn't the other port area. Thanks also for the hotel help, I am going to have a look at the suggestions, and will book nearby. The hotel photos also look great.
  2. Please bear with me, quite new to this. I'm getting on a cruise with MSC at Genoa April 2024. There seems to be a horseshoe port with three Pontes to embark from Parodi, de Mille and Doria. Googlemaps seems to suggest de Mille, but after reading about the port I am not sure. I'm also a bit confused as I have actually been there before and although I wasn't going on a cruise that time, I stayed at the Novotel which was near the Rebora cruise terminals (not the horseshoe bit, but the straighter bit to the North- terminals called Eritrea, Somalia etc.). Although they are not that far apart, they are not that close either (about a 45 min walk I seem to remember), plus the Novotel (a 5 mins walk from the Rebora port) was beyond dreadful, and although I would stay there again and hunker down for the night if it was a short walk down the the cruise terminal for MSC, I suspect this might be the wrong port anyway. We will arrive late in Genoa the night before, can anyone a) tell me where I am likely to sail from and b) if anyone has stayed the night before or the night after, I am thankful for any recommendations on where to stay on a reasonable budget (clean twin room being the objective). Thank you in advance for any help offered.
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