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Posts posted by Kitalion

  1. 16 hours ago, zanydoc said:

    What an interesting thread this has turned out to be!  First of all, kudos to your pal for trying to quit smoking. I don’t know about the health benefits of vaping over smoking, or it’s effectiveness at helping smoking cessation, but at least it’s not as offensive smelling to bystanders. I get her desire to not be around other smokers as she is trying to quit and it reeks. I’m not a smoker, but have noticed that on the larger Oasis class ships that there seems to be a smoking area outside on deck 5 or 6 starboard that generally only has a couple of smokers around at any given time. If she doesn’t get the approval, maybe she could check out vaping in that area instead of the heavily populated casino or pool deck? 

    Thank you for your kind words.  I happened to find out today that my bestie has stepped down in nicotine as part of her cessation plan she is on.  I wasn’t aware this was part of the plan (or possible) so I learned something new.  She actually said that after a couple of days now at this lower level she feels pyscholigcally ready to set a date to put down the vape entirely. I’ve never heard her talk like that so I’m excited.  


    She is bemused that I’ve taken on the whole vaping crusade on her behalf but she actually said that by the time of our next cruise she may be completely off vaping too.  I’m very excited.  We are on another quantum class ship unfortunately where the deck 5 is semi enclosed so not an option on the upcoming one - unlessshe finds it filled only with other vapers or she has it to herself.  But hopefully she is completely done with it by then - that would be truely amazing if so.  The only downside is that the people on this thread may not get the satisfaction of hearing about us getting dumped off the ship ha ha.  I do truely hope I don’t ever have to worry about this issue again except for keeping her away from cigarette smoke in general as it makes her feel nauseous now (ironic I know - and particularly since as a non smoker I have spent untold hours with her in smoking venues and areas over our 25 yr friendship - breathing second hand smoke and not complaining about it ha ha the things you do for friendship).  I am quietly confident but if she does need to go back to the vape I will continue to be supportive because smoking tobacco is not where I want to see her ever again end up.  🙂

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  2. 2 hours ago, Engineroom Snipe said:


    I should add, it is very important to describe the brand of baby wipes and what type of bio-waste did they contain?  🤢

    Oh I have another question for you that is neither about the topic of this thread - but whilst I have your attention wonder if you have any info on the following:

    ever since I watched the costa Concordia documentary about the sinking and tragedy I have wondered about those life boats and the angle should the ship list to one side like the Concordia.  Specifically in the doco they said one problem in getting people off was the angle of the ship relative to the overhang of the lifeboats preventing some of the life boats from lowering.  Im wondering:

    On the RCI boats do they have a mechanism to overcome this such as an arm or other design feature that extends it further to prevent that and if so if the ship loses power will it still work?

  3. 3 hours ago, Engineroom Snipe said:


    1. Rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries, Nickel Cadmium, and  Nickel Hydroxide batteries are used by vapor pens. Nickel Cadmium has slowly been phased out as it contains materials deemed to be hazardous for disposal. Nickel Hydroxide is popular because it is cheaper than" Lithium-Ion". The Nickel Hydroxide does not last as many "vapes" as Lithium-Ion batteries before recharging. The potential for all of these batteries to overheat in vaping pens is the same. The resultant "fires" when they fail have different intensities.


    2. The steamers and irons are not allowed because each cabin is rated for so many "watts". The hair dryers provided by RCI are designed to not exceed the allowed "watts". The electrical design aboard ships is completely different from National Electrical Codes used for buildings and dwellings. When the wires start to overheat due to abnormal current demands, the cabin could lose all power. RCI would have to destroy the cabin in order to inspect the physical wiring and replace it if it were damaged since the cabin is installed in a modular package when the ship was built.


    Thank you so much for your comprehensive and clear explanation that is so helpful and makes so much sense. Thanks again!!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Engineroom Snipe said:


    Most people without an electrical or electronic engineering background will make the same mistake.


    Vape "pens" need to heat the vapor 'coil' to almost 525 degrees F in order to start the process. The voltage is constant so in order to ramp up the wattage (voltage x current = wattage), the amperage is extremely high for the process. While computers and phones normally do not have extreme wattage variation designs for normal usage, the vapor pens demand a high current over a short period of time. Vapor pen manufacturers even warn about this possibility and state that their pens need to "rest" in order to dissipate this heat between vapes. Do you know how many minutes they recommend? 🤔 How many people read manufacturer warnings?  🤣 This is where batteries start to heat. 😟


    Low voltage , high wattage, and high current stress the polymer barriers withing the lithium-ion batteries. Once the barriers start to degrade and fail because the temperature ratings have been exceeded, there is an uncontrolled chemical reaction that is intense and hot.  😰 Airline attendants are given special training, "hot mitts", and containers to control such situations.  😁Cabin attendants do not have this training or equipment. 😱


    Comparing constant wattage demands of phones and computers to the high instantaneous demands of vapor pens is truly "apples to oranges". The heat differentials and dissipation factors are completely different. Physics and mathematics are my specialties after five degrees and over forty-years of work experience. I would enjoy answering any other questions about power, electrical equipment, electronics, mechanical systems and computers in general. "Its my bag, baby" (The movie, Austin Powers).

    Omg I was just thinking when is a battery/electrical expert going to join this thread and answer that battery question.  I found this very informative thanks!

    I have two questions:

    1. Are the vapes that are rechargeable using lithium batteries and therefore what you said above still applicable? 

    2. Not about vapes but I suspect the answer is electrical based - Do you I know why they dont allow hand held clothes steamers on cruises? Is it just a grab to make money by the cruise line so your forced to send your clothes out and pay for them to iron them or is that device somehow risky or hazardous?


    Thanks in advance

  5. 50 minutes ago, phd1003 said:

    Of course the stew will look the other way. They work for tips (Most of the time but I'm not starting that up, here)

    Ha ha I swear no bribes (tips) took place but I guess you’re right - if we needed to grease the wheels so to speak a tip could be the answer.  

    Attendant: ah Mam, there is no vaping in the cabins and I’m going to have to report you.

    Me:  I think this 50 dollars is for you I found it on the floor at your feet.

    Attendant: What vape? I dont see any vape.

  6. 24 minutes ago, davekathy said:

    Good luck. Personally I hope RC doesn't make an exception in your case or others like yours. Your first post is why I say that. IMO, the adult thing to do would be to respect RCs decision if your request is denied. 

    You’re betting against me because you don’t like your impression of me in my first post? Have I understood that correctly?  If so, Im saddened to hear that Davekathy.  However the fact remains If it’s not being enforced then it really seems kind of meaningless either way but I’m invested now in seeing this through.  I  have a feeling that Royal will review their stance in our favour.  Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, lovesthebeach2 said:

    I have my own reason why I think you posted it, I wanted to know which out of the two i asked is what you thought you needed to tell everyone here on this site.  I’m just curious, Why put this post here? 

    It really is what I said In the post.  It’s not being enforced from my experience.  There are many reasons why I think this may be but it was my experience.  It’s happening anyway - I’m the only one transparent enough to say it.  If that makes me a bad person well so be it.  Im glad my best friend who has smoked for 40 years is longer smoking.  She considers herself a non smoker now.  The rule needs to be challenged.  If we lose then we lose - we are adults we will take the consequences.  And like I said I’m quite happy to report honestly on what happens whether that be a written response from royal or any other actions onboard against us.  

  8. 27 minutes ago, lovesthebeach2 said:

    Thank you for telling us the whole story regarding the “prescriptions”.

    Well it’s not the whole story.


     E-cigs were banned initially because of safety concerns but the strategy to support a smoke free australia had to include something to encourage those already smoking to make the move away.  The ability for doctors to prescribe vapes now exists as part of that first move - so it came after the e-cig ban. The standard for the TGA to approve vapes is in the works so the pharmaceutical devices currently available can be assessed and approved.  Despite the personal opinion of some others they are still not the dodgy imported devices that the large amount of people in Australia Aquire from suppliers breaking the law.


    the powers of our border control  are also to be heightened to seize devices that either dont meet the standard or are being imported by those without the proper supplier credentials to stop these devices getting into the hands of children.  Limiting this is critical to stop a new generation being addicted to nicotine and concerns that in the future they may convert to tobacco smoking.Having restricted vapes is critical to the smoke free strategy in Australia.  It is entirely irrelevant that patches and gum exist - doctors job is to assess their client needs and the therapy appropriate based on their client assessment and their scientific knowledge of the efficacy and safety of products that are available for them to prescribe.  


    to say in Australia the only way you can get a vape is factually incorrect - they are illegally supplied everywhere.  Prescription is the only legal way but in practice if you want one its just easier to go buy one from numerous retailers that sell them since its the supply not the purchase that is illegal.  


    The situation in Australia is outlined in the recent consultation papers collated by Smoke free Australia - I didn’t just make it up - just like the “prescription”.

  9. Just now, lovesthebeach2 said:

    So exactly what was the point of your very first post?

    To let everyone else know it’s ok to break the rules and do what you want because you feel you deserve it? 

    Or that Royal doesn’t seem to care about those that break the rules and feel they deserve it?

    So let us know what WAS the point of your original post?

    If u didn’t understand the point of it - why are u still following along 9 pages later? The post is still there - u can re-read it for yourself.

  10. 4 minutes ago, davekathy said:

    All I was doing was thinking out loud. Not in my job description and way above my paygrade. Something for RC to figure out, if they really care (?).   

    Thank you Davekathy.  9 pages of commentary later we have come full circle.  Royal don’t care to enforce it - for whatever reason.  They could if they wanted to but they dont.  And that was the point of my very first post.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, davekathy said:

    If more and more people keep bragging about vaping in their cabin and tell others the cabin attendant basically has said, no problem maybe eventually RC will get wind of it (pun intended) and do something about it. Loose lips sink ships.  For now, outta sight, outta mind. 

    Well I’m just being honest here = either Royal will grant the formal permission we have requested and have it treated as any other legally prescribed medication and let her take it with dignity away from second hand smoke OR she is still going to do it in the cabin anyway and take her chances with being kicked off.  Everything in life has a consequence I guess.  Sorry if that infuriates people it’s just how it is.

  12. On 1/30/2023 at 12:28 AM, island lady said:

    Totally agree....


    And if indeed the OP is vaping due to "medical"...which also sounds fishy....there is no reason she can't adhere to the designated smoking areas to do so.  No excuse to vape in the cabin.  None.  






    I’ve just noticed in ur signature block that you’re on Serenade of the Seas for the first leg - I’ll be sure to invite you to the cloud chasing party in our cabin!!! (I couldn’t resist - its in my Australian DNA to “take the piss”.  Look it up if you don’t understand that slang).  We are well on the way to getting it confirmed in writing that my dear travel companion can use her medically prescribed vape in the cabin.  Happy sailing!!

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  13. On 1/30/2023 at 12:28 AM, island lady said:

    Totally agree....


    And if indeed the OP is vaping due to "medical"...which also sounds fishy....there is no reason she can't adhere to the designated smoking areas to do so.  No excuse to vape in the cabin.  None.  






    In Australia medical vapes (these are not not any old vape - I stress) are prescribed by DOCTORS to patients for smoking cessation.  Under the law in Australia.  It’s legal and is part Austalias commitment to becoming a smoke free (tobacco) country.  These vapes are medical devices and can only be acquired on prescription from a PHARMACIST! (I point out that this is nothing like marijuna dispensaries - so don’t even bring it up). The attitude seems to be in this forum that if it doesn’t happen in the USA and if its not advertised on US television then it can’t be right or it just couldn’t be possible.  OMG there is a world outside of the US.   In Australia, medical doctors also prescribe rehabilitating heroin addicts under their care MEthODONE on prescription dispensed by a PHARMACIST.  We don’t tell rehabilitating heroin addicts to go take their medication in a room full of people shooting up heroin - why should we tell people with medically prescribed vapes who are actively trying to cease smoking tobacco to use their medical vapes in a room full of smokers?????

  14. 15 hours ago, WheresWalter said:


    We had folks thrown out of the AquaTheater on our December Symphony OTS cruise. They were vaping before the show and couldn't seem to stop even after being warned. The rules are for everyone and honestly you and your friend should have been warned and if the friend could not stop vaping, you two should have been removed from the ship at the next port. 


    Vaping is honestly worse than smoking in some regards when you look at the micro plastics in the materials that can be trapped in your lungs. Vape in the smoking sections of the ship or just don't bother cruising. 

     Well I am simply suggesting that it’s happening anyway and my experience has been that it’s not being enforced on at least one ship/line.  The reason for it not being enforced because I think the cruise lines can’t be bothered taking harsh actions against someone for vaping in their private cabin - They would probably not win in a court and they know it 🙂


    However I do promise that on our next upcoming cruise if we do get shunted off at some random port I will be sure to let everyone here know - but I cannot see that ever happening to be honest.  whilst some vapes are dodgy, made god knows where, and do have dubious ingredients and are illegal to supply in Australia -  Having a legitimate prescription by a doctor along with a device approved and dispensed by a pharmacist - it is not the same at all.  They need to be thought of and treated differently.


    I would happily be a test case and actually kind of I hope I do get kicked off the cruise for simply being in a cabin where someone is using a device prescribed and supplied under Australian law by the same cruise line who doesn’t provide an alternate area except around smokers which is harmful to the success of a someone trying to stop smoking.  If that’s what it takes to bring light to the issue and have the rules formally reflect what is happening anyway - I’m happy to do it.   Im not sure id be so confident in other jurisdictions but can’t see any action being taken against us on a cruise operating round trip from Australia - will make for a great post though if it does tho I’m sure!!!  My friend is also planning on writing to the cruise line a head of time to advise of her situation with the supporting evidence and it will be very interesting to see what the response will be.  🙂

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  15. I shared this information because I thought it was interesting to see what I think is the start of a turn around the acceptance of vaping which I wholeheartedly support if it means people do not smoke.  Given how horrible the smoke can be on certain ships from the wafting out of the smokers section I actually think this would please people who are sensitive to the smell and do not wish to breathe harmful second hand smoke.  Also people who have transitioned to vaping to help them with smoking cessation struggle to be around others who are smoking because they are concerned about relapsing.  Since vapers are forced to be around smokers it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me if we care about people who are actually trying to quit smoking for good.  


    Additionally I will note that  I was on Seabourn last year and vaping was allowed in cabins.  I wasn’t bragging about breaking rules but sometimes we have rules in life that dont make sense and I wouldn’t be surprised if more cruises start allowing it in cabins since it’s unlikely they’ll dedicate precious deck space to seperate smoking and vaping sections.  


    Lastly, in Australia vapes are prescribed on prescription (like my friend) and dispensed by a chemist for those seeking an aid for smoking cessation.  So my friend is under the care of her doctor and is actively trying to never smoke again which so far she has done and I for one support it.  If more cruise lines could see this and support Vapers like seabourn it can only be positive for everyone.

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  16. Just off quantum of the seas.  I can definitely attest that they do not enforce the no vaping (e cigs) in cabins.  My best friend and I shared a balcony room and she vaped the entire week in the room (not on the balcony or anywhere else).  I didn’t mind - I kind of like the very subtle smell.  No alarms went off or anything as the smoke deter was not set off by the very small amount of vape. AND the room attendant even saw her do it and he said as long as she doesn’t do it anywhere else like on the balcony shell be fine!!!!  So, if you have a low smoke, low smell vape you are more than likely going to be fine vaping in your cabin.  Discrete is the word tho. 🙂

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