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Sand Pine

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Posts posted by Sand Pine

  1. I have not been able to find a listing of Marina ports and other cruise ships in port at the same time. In the past cruisett.com has had this information but it does not appear to be updated, especially for Marina.


    Does anyone have a suggestion for alternate websites to get port vs ship information. I am currently interested in Marina in December 2016 and January 2017.

  2. We will be traveling on Insignia. Does anyone know if I can use one of the computers on the ship to backup my SD card to a USB flash drive? The SD card reader has a USB connector and the flash drive plugs into a USB port. The computer would only be used to facilitate the transfer from one to the other. No data would be copied to the computer. I am looking for a way to back-up my photo files while on the ship.

  3. The recent news on the Argentine economy indicates higher inflation and cut backs in the economy. We are planning on visiting several Argentine ports this December on a Marina cruise. Does anyone have an opinion on any effects this may have on the visit and excursions in the ports? We have read that Buenos Aires has not been maintained as well as in the past with streets and public areas more run down. The inflation will make the US to Argentine exchange rate more favorable but the cost in Argentine pesos will increase, so maybe a wash in US dollars?


    Also, has anyone taken the Oceania tour to Iguazo falls? We are considering adding this tour prior to our departure from Buenos Aires. Any information would be helpful.

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