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Everything posted by davidkjackson891

  1. We are a couple with a nine year old son. We've not been on a cruise before so the idea is rather new to us. It does appear that some cruise companies are child friendly espeically cruises in the summer holidays. One idea would be a short four or five day cruise to somewhere as local as possible such as Amsterdam. This would also reduce our expenditure! One problem is that my wife is concerned that she will get "sea sick" as she routinely gets car sick. I assume most journeys are calm. Is sea sickness likely? Another concern is that of noise issues. I imagine the cabins are not well insulated from their neighbours and there might well be alcohol-induced noise permeating our cabin. Or noise such as TV or radio. Is that a realistic possiblity? Finally, do you have any tips for what to do or not to do when travelling with a nine or so year old? Do you have any suggestions for specific UK-based journeys that work well with children (they can be longer than a few days if you like)? Many thanks.
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