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    San Diego
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    Travel, history, classical music
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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Have you looked at CivitavecchiaPort.org web page? Our cruise ship arrives at Civitavecchia on May 22 and we will spend a week in Rome and Florence before heading home. I was also at a loss looking for transfers from the port to our hotel in Rome until I stumbled upon the above information. It appears to me that the port authority provides transportation to cruise passengers wishing to go to Rome. It looks like a well organized and legitimate transfer service. I went ahead and booked a private car transfer for us (my significant other and myself) at the cost of EU145. It is cancellable. I received the e-mail confirming my reservation right away. Their web page has a phone number that you can call. You might want to try them. Hope this is helpful. If you find a better arrangement, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share the information.
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