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Manatee Man

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Posts posted by Manatee Man

  1. Good question. Let me assure you that I believe everyone on our excursion got plenty of time in the water. I heard no complaints.

    I believe Sea Cow builds in extra time in case anyone arrives late, has trouble getting into or out of the boat, has an issue in the water, experiences some unexpected problem, or some unusual and exciting fish life is encountered.

    During our excursion, none of that occurred.

    If you have any specific questions for Arno & Joyce, you might consider emailing them. They responded within a day to my email'd question.

    Hope this helps.


  2. Thanks for your question. We booked a morning trip and were told to arrive at Sea Cow by 9:00 AM. TripAdvisor.com showed the trip duration of 3.5 hours. We walked to the Marina. It's less than 1.5 miles from the cruise ship. All Equinox passengers were onboard by 9:15 AM, and we left promptly at that time. Arno returned us to within a five-minute walk to the ship around noon, so our excursion duration was less than three hours. Hope this helps.

    Note: One couple said they had prepaid a taxi for their return to the ship. Arno agreed to bring this couple back to the marina after dropping us off so they could take their taxi to the ship.


  3. My wife and I booked an excursion on Bonaire with Sea Cow in June 2023. We booked through TripAdvisor.com. I believe all 20 snorkeling participants were traveling with us on the Celebrity Equinox. The Sea Cow owners Arno and Joyce run an excellent operation, and we hope to join them on future trips to Bonaire.
    First: the boat: It was clean and well maintained. Comfortable seating was available for all passengers, which included both couples and families. Non-disposable cups were provided to minimize trash, and cup holders were conveniently located. Access to and from the water was easy.
    Next: the snorkel: The passengers were divided into three groups, each with their own guide. During the short trip to Klein Bonaire, Joyce gave a good safety lecture. She also explained that because we would be participating in drift snorkels, Arno would pilot the boat to our take-out points. Once in the water, our guide, Sandra, did a great job of both ensuring our safety, and also pointing out and describing fish and coral of interest. Snorkeling highlights included abundant fish life, including the largest porcupine fish we've ever seen. Sandra was obviously passionate about ensuring we got the most from our time in the water. Another passion of hers and the crew was the Coral Renewal Bonaire project, and Sandra showed us several places where coral is being regenerated.
    Between dives, we were treated to wonderful gingerbread, sugar bread, and non-alcoholic beverages. A highlight of our second snorkel was running into two turtles swimming together.
    Finally: the return trip: During our return, more delicious food was offered, and this time, rum punch was added to the drink menu. Arno maneuvered the boat to a dock near the cruise ship, so only a short walk was required.
    My wife and I have participated in several recent snorkeling adventures. Sea Cow is by far the best operation we've experienced.

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  4. My wife and I booked an excursion with Sea Cow in June 2023. We booked through TripAdvisor.com. I believe all 20 snorkeling participants were traveling with us on the Celebrity Equinox. The Sea Cow owners Arno and Joyce run an excellent operation, and we hope to join them on future trips to Bonaire.
    First: the boat: It was clean and well maintained. Comfortable seating was available for all passengers, which included both couples and families. Non-disposable cups were provided to minimize trash, and cup holders were conveniently located. Access to and from the water was easy.
    Next: the snorkel: The passengers were divided into three groups, each with their own guide. During the short trip to Klein Bonaire, Joyce gave a good safety lecture. She also explained that because we would be participating in drift snorkels, Arno would pilot the boat to our take-out points. Once in the water, our guide, Sandra, did a great job of both ensuring our safety, and also pointing out and describing fish and coral of interest. Snorkeling highlights included abundant fish life, including the largest porcupine fish we've ever seen. Sandra was obviously passionate about ensuring we got the most from our time in the water. Another passion of hers and the crew was the Coral Renewal Bonaire project, and Sandra showed us several places where coral is being regenerated.
    Between dives, we were treated to wonderful gingerbread, sugar bread, and non-alcoholic beverages. A highlight of our second snorkel was running into two turtles swimming together.
    Finally: the return trip: During our return, more delicious food was offered, and this time, rum punch was added to the drink menu. Arno maneuvered the boat to a dock near the cruise ship, so only a short walk was required.
    My wife and I have participated in several recent snorkeling adventures. Sea Cow is by far the best operation we've experienced.

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