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Posts posted by Aussiepam1327

  1. 5 hours ago, Lunastella said:

    Day 6: Hiroshima


    As we were not arriving in Hiroshima until 1pm we had a semi-sea day. I had a lie-in until 7.30am (yippee), and then I went to the gym for a warm up run and a workout. DS came with me for the first time, but all the treadmills were in use so she made a u-turn back to the cabin. At least she tried!


    Back to the cabin via Spa Café to pick up a coffee to go. DS and DM wanted to go to the Oceanview Café for breakfast, so not wanting to break up the team again (and also secretly desiring some proper pastries not ‘heathy’ muffins), I went too. Lol and behold, what did I find….Bircher muesli….how did I miss this before!


    It was very good, better than the one in the hotel in Tokyo which was very sweet (the ship’s one seems unsweetened, or at least not as sweetened as the one in Tokyo). I added fruits and seeds, and I was good to go. Oceanview was actually pretty quiet today. I guess people are taking advantage of the semi-sea day. I also had a boiled egg and some pastries (not shown, as you know what an egg looks like).


    Can’t believe I am back in Oceanview



    I spent most of the morning in the solarium enjoying the scenic cruising. I had no idea there would be scenic cruising on this trip so this was a very welcome surprise. Lying on a comfy lounger and watching these views float activated peak holiday mode. At some point I went out on deck to take some photos. Oh, and I went in the pool and the hot tub for the first time!


    Did not expect this!!









    [SIDENOTE, the pool attendants were actually removing people’s stuff from the loungers (who were gone for ages), and asking teenagers in the hot tub how old they were. They didn’t ask me. I am mildly insulted.]


    We decided to go to the MDR for lunch (it being a semi sea-day and all). I had salad, a panini, and chocolate mousse, just your everyday light lunch you know.


    Panini…ok ok and fries



    Chocolate mousse (very good!!!)



    As we had to do immigration at this port, everyone had to be off the ship by 2.30pm. But I assumed we could leave the ship at any point up to 2.30, but as soon as the ship docked just after 1.00, they started announcing that all passengers had to depart from deck 3. They kept announcing it, which led to much frantic eating in an attempt to finish lunch and get off the ship ASAP. It was not a very relaxing lunch!


    Also, I had assumed we would do immigration in the terminal on the way out, but again, I was wrong (again), we did it on our way back in later in the afternoon. The information sheet was really not very clear, or maybe its just me.


    Anway, once off the ship we took a shuttle bus from the pier to the train/tram station which took about 10 mins. Note to future self, take a note of the name of the train/tram station, this omission would prove almost fatal later in the day. Once at the station we were directed to a tram which went all the way to the Peace Park/Atomic Bomb Dome. But it’s a long way, took maybe 45-50 minutes.


    I had worked out a whole self-guided walking tour for us which involved the Shukkeien gardens, Hiroshima castle, Gokoku shrine, Hiroshima Museum of Art, Atomic Bomb Dome, Peace Park, and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. We ended up doing the latter three. The heat and humidity finally got the better of DM. But in fairness, we did the most important ones. I won’t go into too much detail except to say that the exhibition rooms in the museum were really crowded and very loud, but as we moved through the exhibition, you could sense the mood change, and by the end, there was silence.


    Atomic Bomb Dome



    Peace Park & Memorial Museum








    When we left the museum it started to rain, thank the rain gods, it brought much relief. To shelter, we went into a tourist shop called Rest House where I brought a t-shirt for my husband whose main benefit from all my travels is a very eclectic collection of t-shirts.


    We headed back to the tram stop and that’s where the confusion started. We had assumed we would just jump on a tram on the opposite side back to the shuttle bus drop off point, maybe not! There were multiple trams….no problem, Google maps to the rescue, maybe not! Obviously in Google maps you need to enter the end point destination, but ,did we know the name of train/tram station where the shuttle bus left us off ??? No we did not. We tried ‘hiroshima port’ but that gave us all sorts of crazy routes. Maybe there is more than one port….is this the right port? I think we got too lassiez-faire in our ability to travel around Japan!


    Think DS, think DS, what was the name of the station! No idea, me neither. However, brainwave, I remembered that I had copy and pasted all the information which another cruise critic member had kindly posted to the forum (@DaKuhna I think, thank you), which included information about each port. So I managed to find the Hiroshima file in my Dropbox, and found the elusive ‘Itsukaichi station’ listed as the pick up/drop off point for the shuttle buses. Great, lets go! We have a name! I Googled mapped Itsukaichi station, here we go, all will be clear!!! However, it was not clear. It was telling us to take a bus to Itsukaichi station, maybe I am losing my mind in this heat, but I was pretty sure we arrived by tram. This is very confusing.


    Eventually we found a route which involved a tram. But we were not in the clear yet. We got on what we thought was the correct tram, but it terminated at Hiroshima train station. More Google mapping ensued, with DM getting increasingly …lets say stressed….that her daughters had no idea how to get back to the ship. We tried to maintain a cool, calm exterior, but we looking at each other with terror in our eyes. This has never happened to us before!


    Anway, Google maps told us to take a train, so take a train we did. I didn’t recognise anywhere along the route, there were no other fellow cruisers on the train, only locals going home from work. I was getting increasingly anxious….maybe the shuttle bus went from Itsukaichi station back in April or May, but who knows if it’s the same place this time round!!! I was wondering how one could go about contacting Celebrity to ask them the location of the shuttle bus. DS was wondered if she could use her air tag to get the exact location of the ship….we were getting desperate, but we held out hope.


    Even when we got off the train, we were not 100% convinced we were in the right place. To make matters worse when I tried to use my Suica card to leave the station, it wouldn’t work, cue the Japanese station master talking animatedly at me, I had no idea what he was saying…but eventually I figured out that I didn’t have enough money left on my card for the journey. DS and DM had already gone through so I was trying to call them back as they had all the cash! More confusion, but eventually we were able to pay in cash. Today, is not working out at all!


    Then suddenly, we turned a corner, literally and figurately, and sighs of relief all around, no, it was not a shuttle bus, but it was a sign for the shuttle bus- we made it! Thank you CC, you saved us. Ok maybe I am being a bit dramatic, we probably could have taken a taxi….in retrospect, why didn’t we take a taxi….oh yes, that would be too easy.


    Permanent record…the name of the train/tram stop!!!!



    We had to wait a while for the shuttle, but after 10-15 minutes we were on the bus and almost home and dry….well apart from immigration, which didn’t take long at all, and then we were home and dry.


    One for the economists



    A quick turnaround was needed as DS wanted to go to the Sky Lounge to catch the sunset and have a cocktail before dinner after all that stress.


    And catch the sunset we did, it was beautiful. The negronis were ok, not as good as the ones from the Martini bar or Celler Masters, tough life.


    A sunset!!!



    Me and the sunset!!!



    Me responding to DS telling me to look more interesting!!!



    Dinner tonight was to be in Tuscan Grille, our first speciality restaurant of the cruise. Very excited!


    It was excellent, but we definitely ordered too much. DS and I got the antipasti board and the carpaccio of beef to share.








    Best bread!



    Next, I had a half portion of the lobster rigatoni and the fillet steak, with broccoli and fries. The pasta dish was served at the same time as the steak, which was not ideal, I would have preferred to have the pasta first and then the steak. But in retrospect, this was a good idea as had I eaten all the pasta first, there was no-way I could have eaten any of the steak.


    Lobster pasta






    The steak was the beautiful,  so tender and flavoursome – it was up there with one of the best I have ever had, and I have eaten in some very good steak restaurants. However, I couldn’t finish it. DM and I should have ordered one to share, note to future self. That said, I still managed to eat my tiramisu!





    Our bottle of malbec made its way to Tuscan Grille without any problems. It did not last the whole meal, so another bottle of chianti was attained. But will it make its way back to MDR tomorrow???


     DS looking very happy to finally make it to TG



    After dinner we collapsed…lucky it’s a sea day tomorrow!



    Hiroshima.... the cruise into this region is breathtaking and very unexpected. Quite thought provoking knowing the tragic history of the region.

    The midday arrival and short stopover were not the best so we selected a ship tour of Miyajima island and were pleased we did as we would have been rushed and possibly stressed doing the trip ourselves. We will definitely spend a few nights on Miyajima if we return to do a land tour of Japan as it was everything quintessentially Japan all in one small area. 

    The website What's in Port helped me to decide whether we would explore alone, possibly use a ship shuttle bus or book a ship tour. Go With Guide was also a good resource to look for tour ideas and possibly book a qualified guide. 

    Customs and immigration was annoying but mandatory....our stop after JeJu Island was Kagoshima and was advertised as a 9-5 stop but by the time we went through all the rigmarole and got a shuttle into the city it was 1130 so we really only had four hours in town...shame.

    I'm loving reliving our trip through your posts... can't wait to be on my next Celebrity ship.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Great write up. We went on Millennium Nov 23 and loved coming back after exploring all day to a elegant calm ship. Our staff were amazing and an absolute highlight.

    We were fortunate to have autumn weather (tshirts and thinner clothes were great for exploring but early morning and evenings we would need an extra layer) coming from Adelaide Australia,  I should be used to heat, but no I hate it so we were happy to be traveling Japan in Nov. 

    Shore tours were definitely expensive but in a few places we selected them over running the risk of getting lost, traveling longer distances etc. We explored a few places ourselves and whilst using a few Japanese terms we got by with Google translate. We did organize a personalized tour which was a highlight. Touring with a local we learnt so much more about culture, lifestyle and at castles and shrines an insight into what we were seeing. He also helped to expand our palette by introducing us to more than just sushi. 

    Probably the only negative I have for the cruise was not enough time to explore and only seeing the touristy places....but it gave us a taste and understanding of what Japan has to offer. Soooo next trip we might ditch the ship and head inland to see the quieter more traditional areas located past the big city ports.

    It was a great way to sample Japan. 

    If I could offer a word of advice for anyone thinking of taking a similar cruise to Japan.... research. Find what it is you want to see in Japan and work out the best places to see/do ...then you can plan a ship tour or do your own thing. If you don't you may end up seeing 7 shrines, 4 castles etc.. 

    We decided to forego Kyoto as time just didn't allow for us to explore in depth instead we hired a guide that would take us on a bullet train to Himeji castle and back, show us Osaka and it's food scene etc....amazing experience. 

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