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Posts posted by ddoc

  1. Husband diagnosed with cancer in June. Had his operation and has recovered very well. I used up all of my vacation going to the hospital and

    with doctor's visits. Yesterday, (my day off) spent the whole day getting the schedule for his chemo and radiation all set-up. He'll do 3 weeks on and 1 week off. So at Labor Day, (his off week)there's a 4 night cruise very inexpensive, we can drive to it and I'll only lose 1 day's pay.


    Am I crazy saying this will do both of us good? That we can both just relax and forget the cancer for a little while, or am I being selfish?

  2. We had an Oceanview room and had many of the same problems you had. Inn addition to the smallness of the rooms and the impossible tiny bathrooms our toilets didn't flush at all for 3 days and had delayed flushing on the others. I don't find that acceptable. I found the food in the Windjammer barely OK and in the dining room, I struggled to find something I liked. The one night I couldn't find anything, I ordered the filet with the upcharge. What came out tasted like it had been on a steam table. Yuck! One night they agreed to serve the sole the night after it was on the menu because I liked it and it was wonderful. My thought that the food was all cooked so far in advance that it didn't have a chance. Maybe because we had My Time? I did find the food in the Park Cafe to be excellent. We ended up eating lunch there just about every day.


    All-in-all, I was very disappointed. No "WOW".

  3. We' ve taken 2 cruises from NY over Labor Day-first in 2009 and it was wall-to-wall full of misbehaving, rude kids. You'd get knocked over in the pool with the older teenagers roughhousing. We almost decided not to cruise out of NY again. Labor day of 2013, we tried again and it was much better. Still a lot of kids but parents kept better control of their kids. It was a good cruise.

  4. I ghve been having lots os problems and pain in my right leg. I've been to many types of doctorss and had many test. They don't know what is causing the pain. Up 'til now, there hasn't been anything that has given me relief until my family doctor suggested that I start drinking tonic water each day.

    to my amazement, it works.


    Since I am diabetic, it has to be sugar free.


    Does Royal Caribbean carry diet-free tonic water? If not, do you think they will let me bring some on the ship?

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