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Posts posted by Bjh2018

  1. 8 minutes ago, leaveitallbehind said:

    This topic will likely become controversial as gratuities and wages are a highly debated topic on CC.  But to answer your question, a large portion of service crew members wages is derived from the gratuities paid by the passengers.  So if a ship is at less than capacity with passenger bookings than the amount available from gratuities can be less.  As such it isn't his base salary that is affected - it is the amount earned from the passenger gratuities.  


    But rest assured, most mass market cruise lines  - Celebrity included for certain - are sailing these days at full capacity, so the crew is compensated at the full potential amount.  And to add, Celebrity just increased the suggested gratuity amount.  More can be added if desired by the passengers.


    And to your comment regarding how terrible this could be, it is the industry standard that has been in place for many years as to how most cruise line service crew is compensated.  (Not unlike the restaurant industry in the US).  And relative to the income standard of most countries from which these crew members originate, the income earned in this manner is considered comparatively attractive, which is why so many of these people seek cruise line employment.

    Interesting thank you 


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