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Dragon Lady13

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    Travel, property, cruising
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  1. Hi skynight, thank you so much! It's all coming back to me now! 🙂 Thanks again!
  2. Thank you so much! That does look like the destinations as I know I went to Lucia, Barbados and Antigua. That would have been the first week so I just need to find the 2nd week. Maybe I could look on Shipmate. Thanks again! 🙂
  3. WOW EDVM96 Thank you soooo much! I am amazed you were able to find this information despite Princess not being able to help! It's all coming back to me now! Haha 🙂 Cheers 👍
  4. Hi all This is a bit of a long shot, but I wondered if anyone knows the ports/destinations of the above cruise going back to 2007? I never kept the information and I am kind of nostalgic to remember where I actually visited. So if anyone was on that ship or is clever and knows of a way to find out, please could you let me know? I tried Princess but they could only give me the information above. Cheers 🙂
  5. Hi all This is a bit of a long shot, but I wondered if anyone knows the ports/destinations of the above cruise going back to 2004? I never kept the information and I am kind of nostalgic to remember where I actually visited. So if anyone was on that ship or is clever and knows of a way to find out, please could you let me know? I tried Princess but they could only give me the information above. Cheers 🙂
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