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Unhappy campers

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Everything posted by Unhappy campers

  1. The cruise is not scheduled until January 26, 2025 aboard the Marina. They renamed it from “Tropics to Antarctica” to “Radiant Brazil & Argentina”. It used to include 3 days of “Cruising the Antarctic Peninsula”. (We realize this was a ‘drive by’ but was something we were wanted to see.)
  2. We booked a Cruise to go to South America and Antarctica with Oceania. Within a month of booking this cruise they completely removed the Antarctica portion of the cruise. As this was our main purpose for booking the trip we decided to cancel the cruise. In our opinion Oceania should have waived the $ 150 per person cancellation fee as the change was so significant, however they steadfastly refused to do this and kept $ 300. I have seen reviews where this has happened to other customers of Oceania so I would be very wary of booking cruises with them, They have shown a tendency to make major changes and yet be unwilling to adjust their policies when customers want to cancel due to these changes. We will never consider booking with Oceania again because of this tendency and their unwillingness to adjust their policy and neither should you. Beware.
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