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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Thank you, my TA is unfamiliar with Rezsaver, is this something she needs to sign up for and do you know if there is a cost to her? I've tried finding things online about it and am having no luck. My TA seems reluctant to pursue if there is a cost, which is understandable.
  2. So I had already booked with a TA before I learned about CPP. I talked to my TA about it and she didn't know what I was talking about. She asked around and another agent friend said she's been able to call Amex and get the OBC for her other clients. I did use my platinum for the deposit. My TA tried calling but Amex says they'll only talk to the cardholder. Is there anything else she can do to help me get this credit? I keep reading about codes and tracking numbers that she needs to tie to my cruise booking. Can anyone elaborate what these codes are? Just hoping if we call Amex and use the proper terminology, we'll get results. Thanks
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