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Everything posted by Sundodger2

  1. @OrcaGirl Thank you for this awesome blog! We were following closely as we were sailing on the cruise right after yours (just got back) and it was immensely helpful to learn some "what to expects". One question we had -- were there any unusual delays getting into LA at the end? We were very surprised at the long delay in cabins being ready on embarkation day. We've sailed NCL a few times before -- just got our gold status with this cruise but we haven't sailed them since before the pandemic.But most cruises it seems like by 1pm you're good to get your cabin but it was well past 3:30 -- so much so that they came on just after 3 and called decks whose cabins were "in acceptable enough condition" to at least allow you to drop off your luggage. We weren't given the "Ok you can stay in cabins" until like 335-350. Also we were surprised there was only one cabin service per day and it was at really random times - sometimes it was morning; sometimes mid afternoon, sometimes late like during or after dinner. We did hang out in our cabins a bit each day but not like there weren't several hour gaps each day. I could understand if there are fewer cabin attendants these days and it was never an issue as we're not really *needing* twice a day service it was just always a nice touch to come back from dinner and find it turned down with maybe a towel animal. Didn't know if that was something unique to our steward or just a modern sign of the times? We still had a good time. I hope to write my own recap here in a few days of our experiences. Glad you all made it back safely! We're back with a family member on crutches that didn't start the trip needing them but it was post-cruise and not NCL related. But we certainly got to experience the travel challenges when you're down a fully functioning ankle.
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