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Posts posted by rnvattes

  1. This year we are going on the Victory in July and United wants to charge us 25 dollars per checked bag each way. That would be 150 bucks for the three of us. As such we have decided to all take carry ons only and "elegant" wear just is not gonna make the cut.


    I think the airline fees have definitely impacted peoples' willingness to participate in elegant night!!

  2. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It all depends on what we NEED out of the vacation.


    5 years ago what we needed more than anything, as first time parents getting away for the first time since our 3yo daughter was born, was time to SLEEP, relax, and look at each other in the face for a while :D We needed to reconnect. We did NOT want to do elegant night, so we didn't. What we DID do on elegant night was get a couples' treatment in the spa (which was dead during "formal dinner", such that they gave us extra time). And then we had cheeseburgers on our balcony while we played Yahtzee :D That was what we needed then.


    This time we very much looked forward to, and planned with great attention to detail, our elegant night. This was our first trip since our second was born, and we were ready to go have FUN!. We never get to go out "fancy" on land, and this was a great opportunity to do it. I got my hair done and everything.




    I think its YOUR vacation, and you should make plans that will give you what it is you're after for that time. No worries about what others are doing or what they think.



  3. A "French Balcony" is no balcony at all. It is a a set of sliders without a balcony. While better than not having windows that open, it can't compare to a real balcony, no matter how small. If one member of a couple wants to sit and read, take a nap, or whatever in the comfort of the A/C or heat and the other want to enjoy the fresh air and tranquility of a private balcony, it can't be done. The term French balcony is advertised as a positive, but I'll take a real balcony any time., but I will take a French balcony over windows that don't open or a port hole. The one advantage that I see to a French balcony is that it does not take space away from the cabin, as a real balcony often does. Sorry for venting, but the term grates on me.


    I'm only just STARTING my research and I could have told you that a "French Balcony" is not a "true" balcony. I am wondering how did you miss that???

  4. [quote name='ShakyBeef']Thank you for your concern. But don't worry, we were among the lucky ones. The wind blew hard and it poured for about 24 hours (about 12 inches of rain, total). But we didn't get hit nearly as bad as what they were calling for. We only lost our power for a couple hours. We lost a few small tree limbs, and the yard is covered in leaves and twigs, but that is about it. As I said, we were lucky. Others got hit so much worse than we did.

    We're sorry that no new installments on this thing have been made recently. We worked on it last night, but he needs to do a little bit more before the next post is ready. For all of you still interested and hanging in there, we thank you and apologize, once again for the delay.[/QUOTE]

    What? No Girl From Ipanema?? :eek:

    Will wait patiently.... :D
  5. Wifey’s Mom has completely flipped in the last 30 years. You can take that last sentence any way you like. You might interpret the word “flipped” as going nuts, losing her mind, becoming completely irrational and unpredictable, or perhaps just becoming absolutely bat-sh*t crazy. Well, you’re obviously entitled to your interpretation… I’ll leave my opinion out of the way for now. What I meant by “flipped” is her view on disciplining children.


    The same woman that would send her kids to the corner and spank them with hands, belts, wooden paddles, and occasionally the plastic paint stirrer, now cries at the idea of her grandchildren just kneeling in the corner.


    How does this happen? The very same phenomenon has occurred with my own mother....

  6. You aren't some kind of public servant as in Police..Fire or EMS are you? I am a 911 Dispatcher and we consider the "q" word a swear word around here.


    I'm a labor and delivery and postpartum nurse. Use the Q word and 1) eye daggers will be shot at you from all around the room and 2) the bus with laboring women and women with pregnancy related emergencies will pull up, and all hell will break loose




    Definitely a "swear word"

  7. I assure you, Delta Hotel is Vietnamese.:cool: In the racial/ethnic sense, he is 100% Vietnamese. But he was born here, in the U.S., to parents that had escaped the fall of Saigon in 1975, and had become American citizens. So he is 100% American, of course. That Cambodian reference he made in today's post was slightly random.


    You see, that's what made the Don Ho link too perfect!:D:p So glad you enjoyed the Vietnamese pop-crooner music. Always glad to be of service.:):cool:


    Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Read the comment about Hotel ( :p ) being Cambodian and actually said out loud -- I believe he is Vietnamese


    Score one for the RN!

  8. Sorry for the continued delay, folks.:o Due to DH having to work all day and well into the night for the last three days (yes, he's back at work again today), he just hasn't had enough time or functioning brain cells left with which to write. He did get some done last night, though. And once he gets home tonight, he'll be finishing that chunk and we'll get it proofed and posted ASAP.


    In the meantime,


    you know the drill...



    I bet you didn't even click on that this time, did you?:cool:


    If you did, Hi!:) You're new here, aren't you?



    OMW! Such a wonderful way to start the day -- laughter abounds!

  9. Oh, unfortunately, it is not over, as I have just recently taken a break from cleaning your house and rearing your children to sit down at my computer and have seen your charming post...





    My Darling Husband,



    As you well know, it's about the intent with which the name is used. It’s not that one part of my chosen (admittedly silly) screen-name is offensive as a single word.


    You originally called me Beef in the derisive tone (yes, I did hear your tone of voice in your post:cool:) which one might utter a different ‘b’ word. You remember well, you were quite pleased with yourself for “Eat it, BEEF!” You did it to rile me; and it worked, as you knew it would. Every time hence you have called me Beef has been to achieve the same adolescent goal. So for you to now be “wondering” why being called just that one part of my name offends me is yet another attempt to similarly rile. You’re not confused, you’re just sniping. As your long-suffering wifey, I am simply an easy target for you, as well as your daily target of choice. And really, the “any rational explanation” question? When have you ever thought me rational? Dork.


    Tonight I’m gonna leave your yesterday’s worked-all-day-and-night-in-them, stinky socks on your pillow instead of the nice, clean sleep-socks since that gesture got me such a lovely reward from my loving DH.


    BTW, shouldn’t you be moving servers or setting up firewalls or some such geek stuff that pays for our cruises instead of attacking your thoughtful, sweet, loving wife on a public online forum?


    Do you really think all these people want to witness your shameful, continued, cruel attacks on your meek, devoted helpmate? They are here for the tedious details of a cruise they weren’t on, as experienced by people they don’t know. Get over yourself and get back to work.



    Your Beef


    Edited to add: I have no idea what I did to make his signature appear as a seperate quote, sorry.


    :p :D :p

  10. "Just for informational purposes, the menus are changing on the ships. I just got off the Glory last week, which now has the new menu. It has a "Today" side (left side) which is food choices that change daily, the right side is the "Everyday" side, which I am assuming by the name, means it's there every day.;) The "Everyday" side has the vegetarian indian dish listed. Maybe they had enough requests they decided to offer it to the masses!"






    LIKE! I have never had Indian food, and would like to try it on our next cruise. But having never tried it before, certainly didn't want to make the request to have it brought to me nightly, risking wasting it. This way I can try it once or twice as the mood strikes.

  11. Sorry, folks. He's typing it at this moment. He just got home from work about 15 minutes ago.:eek: (Still playing catch-up.)


    But now I'm cracking the whip and his fingers are flying across the keys like only a professional computer geek's fingers can. You'll have something to read here with your AM coffee. I'm not guaranteeing of what quality it'll be, though. I mean, he's been all over God's Green Delmarva all day today, doing whatever it is he does when he tells me he's "going to work".:rolleyes: I don't know how much literary quality he's got in him tonight.


    Consider yourselves warned.





    Don't you know it's the editor's job to make sure it is quality work the grunt is putting out?


    Hoping something is posted soon to read... I'm working all night, and it's ... well I've got some time (we don't use the "q" word around here, or it suddenly isn't anymore)


    As a long-time fan of Anne of Green Gables, I also really want to see Prince Edward Island.:o I'm hoping to do a much longer Eastern Canada cruise that includes P.E.I. with N.S., N.B., and other ports in the next few years.


    DH (mine, not yours ;) ) took our first vacation together to PEI. Man, is it ever GORGEOUS up there?! We stayed in Charlottetown, the capital, which is just such a quaint little walkable seaside town. Everyone there is SO friendly, and back then it was very affordable (either our dollar was stronger, or theirs weaker, or both -- but it was almost 2 canadian dollars to every 1 US dollar -- does that make sense?)


    Anyway, definitely DEFINITELY DEFINITELY go there someday. We saw some really neat things on that beautiful little island (including but not limited to a very well done production of Anne of Green Gables). PEI is definitely a "can't get there from here" kind of place (it took us almost 24 hours altogether and we live in NH) but it's worth the trip!

  13. Ok, aside from being a very interesting writer, I just wanted to tell you that you're a very cool Dad. Your girls are fortunate.

    (I'm sure Shaky is a fabulous Mom as well :))


    Agreed. Have found myself thinking this several times. The whole rock thing kind of got to me and I was a little verklempt for a moment.


    Good Dads are too few in this world. Good for you for being one of them!!!

  14. You have no idea.;):rolleyes:


    He gets really excited about white tube socks, too. And since he insists on hiking them up to his chin, they get holes in the toes and need to be replaced frequently. A pack of good ole Wal-Mart white tube socks, a pack of undershirts, and a sexy new sweater vest and my Christmas (or Birthday) shopping for DH is DONE!:cool:

    :p :p

  15. Just out of curiosity... is anyone still reading this? Because my fingers are getting pretty tired. If you're still reading, I'll keep going. As a funny little factoid about me - this little story/memoir is by far the longest thing I've ever written. Even my college papers weren't this long, and I can't even plagiarize this stuff! If there's anyone still here, you're witnessing a milestone in my life. Thanks for sharing this moment with me. It really means a lot to me, and makes me feel loved. Hello?




    Day off home alone, too hot to go outside. Going to read to the end of what's here!


    Hope you finish it off. I peeked at the ending (I was looking to see if you went to Boston -- being from that area) and saw you had to go back to work and so expected a slow down in production. Crossies for you to find some time to keep us laughing!

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