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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Did Cunard ever come up with a better offer than the derisory $100 OBC?
  2. We were on the 7 day cruise and Cunard have agreed on a full refund. We were not offered anything in excess of the offer from last week ($100 OBC)
  3. I feel that it is still a significant change and a refund should be given.
  4. I think most people accept things happen and there will be occasions when the itinerary can't go ahead exactly as planned but I would expect the cruise company to be reasonable. In this instance I received an email saying the change was minor and offering $100 OBC. The offer was derisory and calling the change minor was an insult to people's intelligence. It gets their passengers backs up straight away.
  5. I had a call earlier on from TA with 3 options. 1 Take a different cruise with Cunard 2 Take the offer on the table (4 days in dock in Barcelona and $100 OBC) 3 Full refund I don't understand why they don't offer more OBC. Some people will take into account the hassle value of cancelling flights and hotels, dealing with insurance etc and the financial loss (excess etc). As it stands I think they will struggle to fill the ship. Its not very attractive as it stands, at least more OBC would make it more attractive. I have never sailed with Cunard. Also, I have never had an experience like this with other cruise companies so hard to compare how Cunard have handled it compared to others. However, with their original derisory offer and the way it has been handled it has put me off Cunard and I doubt if I would consider them in future.
  6. If this is the new itinerary it is clear to see Cunard have handled the whole itinerary change very badly and had a huge pushback from its passengers wanting a full refund.
  7. Not sure what you mean. On the Cunard website it still appears to show the original itinerary but at the top of the page for that cruise it says due to a technical issue the itinerary is not shown correctly. Other cruise booking websites are now showing a new itinerary with Alghero and Ajaccio but does not show stops at either Cagliari or Messina but then goes straight to Naples. Sets sail from Barcelona on day 1 - not a 4 day dock. Day 1 - Barcelona Day 2 - At sea Day 3 - Alghero Day 4 - Ajaccio Day 5 - At sea Day 6 - Cruising Straights of Messina Day 7 - Naples Day 8 - Rome If this is true it could be what somebody suggested earlier - that the ship is running slow. I am not sure if this new itinerary is correct but it would be the third itinerary in 2 days and due to the number of passengers who wanted a full refund. Missing one port would give them a stronger argument to say it is a minor change.
  8. We have not been told specifics just that it is 'essential maintenance'.
  9. Thanks for your comments and input. We will not simply accept what we are told by Cunard and/or TA and we will take it further. Cunard intimated the TA may have issues with any decision they come to as the TA is at risk of losing their commission. I do, however, feel that some passengers will be fobbed off by what has been said.
  10. I have already told them I do not regard this as a minor change and it is clearly a significant change and that I am going to pursue it and will. I am just waiting to see what options they offer. The TA stated that they have had a number of people who are in a similar position.
  11. As I understand it (and I stand to be corrected as I am no expert) if the change is a minor change the passenger has no rights to a refund. If it is a significant change there is the right to a refund. I do not want a credit note. I feel underappreciated and have no trust in Cunard. I accept things happen. Ships need corrective works but treat your customers with respect do not try to fob them off with a 'this is a minor change and we will generously give you $100OBC' line for ruining your holiday. Most businesses are great when things are going right but I always judge a company as to how they react and how treat their customers when there is a problem. Cunard have failed badly there - simply so that they will not lose income on this cruise. Shame on them. Ever if we get a 100% credit we have the trouble of cancelling flights and hotels etc and having to battle with insurers over expenses we have incurred.
  12. We are also on the QV cruise on 17th June. When we received the email from Cunard I called our TA and told them I was dissatisfied with the offer by Cunard. I regarded the itinerary change as a significant change and as a significant change we should be given other options which should include a full refund which, obviously Cunard and our TA would not be happy with. Also, I believe a 'significant change' has insurance ramifications. Our TA said they would speak to Cunard and call me back and email me before the close of business. As business day as drawing to a close I called and was told it would be Monday before somebody got back to me. However, around an hour later I received an email from our TA repeating what Cunard had said. I am not certain if this is the email setting out our 'options' (i.e. one) or simply repeating the email from Cunard. However, the email cynically stated that as the change is a minor change no action is necessary. How changing the itinerary from a 7 day sea cruise to a cruise with 4 days in dock together with a loss of days in port is a 'Minor' change I have no idea. What is the definition of a minor change? Who decides a change is minor or significant? Who comes up with the idea that making a derisory and insulting offer of $100 OBC as though they are being generous will pacify and placate their customers? $100OBC is the equivalent of 2 average bottles of wine onboard or almost 2 meals in their fee paying restaurant. Is that really how little they appreciate their customers? We are still awaiting an email from TA giving us options but whatever is offered it has spoilt the cruise (if we go on the cruise) and whatever we end up with we have lost from the position we had before the change. I am pretty disgusted with Cunard with their cynical offer and words.
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