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Katherine Wampus


About Me

  • Location
    Fort Walton Beach, FL

Katherine Wampus's Achievements

Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. You all missed out last night. Somebody swallowed a bug!
  2. OMG, it's like I already know some of you people, @BWIVince and @BEAV, at least. If anybody would like to join us tonight at Coasterra, 6pm to 7:30ish, I think I can promise you a rare photo opportunity. (Look for Bapa!) https://www.coasterra.com/ It's not likely that you can get a dinner reservation, but there is a nice bar there, and then also next door at C-Level or Island Prime. (And if anyone happens to be staying at the airport Sheraton, it's walk-able, but they will will give you a lift there in their golf cart.)
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