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Everything posted by Roupa2

  1. After 20+ cruises I have now downsized my packing list and worry very little about dressing to impress! What was once considered “formal” is smart casual for us…as going to any decent restaurant at home. Alaska or elsewhere, a cruise is vaca, so my wardrobe is relaxed too. That doesn’t mean beachwear or hiking wear at dinner of course. I find that cruise line sites usually say “suggested” wear for theme nights…not “required “ wear. My food tastes the same, and service is the same no matter my outfit. I have never been turned away from dining when I show up without my glitter. 😉 Due note that being on a cruise is a special time, so make it special in your own way. Dress to the 9s to celebrate if that’s your preference, and feel comfortable about it! The photographers will LOVE to capture you at many points during a cruise, most especially pre-dinner and embarkation day! This could be a chance to get that special shot you have for too long put off. Enjoy the adventure!
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