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Everything posted by CatalinF

  1. The Allianz RO quote includes fixed coverages (e.g. 10,000 Eur for repatriation) and mentions that all medical costs will be deducted from the maximum coverage of 50,000 Eur. This is similar to other policies I've encountered (Groupama, Omniasig). With Revolut, repatriation (either medical or deceased) is just labelled as "arranged by XCover Assist".
  2. Thanks everybody, @D&N: I've confirmed with Cunard that we are considered a 'UK booking' because I've booked through their website. Unfortunately, there's no way around it. It is not my intention to debate on the need for travel insurance or even the amounts considered to be sufficient. I'm just trying to make sure that we are able to board our ship, while knowing that, in my market, I am not able to find an insurance product matching UK requirements. The difference in coverage seems to be strongly market-dependent. A standard Allianz travel offer in the UK covers 2-10m GBP, while a standard Allianz offer in Romania covers 30-50k Eur (same inputs for quote generation). And the difference in price is around 2x - which I would gladly pay for the UK version of the insurance, if it were available in my market. As it stands, I have 2 of the local-flavor travel insurances (they come with payment cards) + Revolut Metal + EHIC - but no practical way to get exactly what Cunard requires.
  3. Thanks you! Indeed, we are only cruising in the West Med, from Rome to Barcelona - so we should be covered by the European Health Card. I mentioned this to Cunard support and they didn't seem impressed 🙂. Also, I can't find any explicit mention of the EHIC covering pre-existing conditions, although it's a matter of common sense that it does (since it enables medical assistance in member states in the same conditions as in your home country). Come to think of it, EHIC (pre-existing medical conditions) + Revolut Metal (coverage amount for medical and repatriation) could work. Also considering the explicit mention that EHIC is not an alternative to travel insurance, since it only includes public healthcare.
  4. Thank you! It appears to me that anything will be accepted in the insurance section on My Voyage 🙂 It's currently filled in with the Revolut Metal details for myself and an ongoing Omniasig VIG insurance for my parents (linked to their payment cards) - there doesn't seem to be any validation of those details.
  5. Fresh member here - and in serious need of advice from experienced Cunard travellers. I'm going on a cruise on Queen Victoria in two weeks' time together with my parents. I've been aware of the UK insurance requirements ever since I made our bookings, a few months ago, but didn't realize that they apply to us. We are Romanian nationals and it only recently became clear that our booking is still considered to be a UK booking, because I made it directly through the Cunard website. At the time of the booking I actually wrote to Cunard and their response did not clearly state that the UK terms apply to us. My story is similar to others I've read on this forum: there's no local product to match UK insurance requirements, and I'm worried about being denied boarding, especially since my parents are around 70 and it's their first cruise 🙂 I've seen comments about insurance proof actually never being checked. We all have travel insurance, but can't match UK requirements because there's no way to get cover for pre-existing conditions. I've been in touch with my insurance broker and the closest thing would be a global insurance with a small cover (~20k Euro) for pre-existing condition episodes, which for my parents would cost as much as the cruise itself. For reference, the standard travel insurance coverage in Romania is around 50k Euro and pre-existing conditions aren't included. I've just talked to Cunard customer support and, as expected, they upheld the terms on their website (I appreciated the operator's attitude, but in the end I didn't get any useful information). I have a Revolut Metal insurance (via Xcover), which for a reasonable price provides a 10m Euro global coverage for a couple. I'm considering opening a Revolut Metal account for my parents, just for them to be able to show a paper with a high coverage if needed. It still wouldn't match UK requirements, obviously - but I'm guessing it could reduce the risk to be denied boarding. Just to be clear, I don't have a good opinion about Xcover, and have worked much better with local insurers in the past. What do you think? Has anybody reading this ever been asked for proof of travel insurance? If yes, is that a thorough check? Are you aware of any situation when somebody has been denied boarding because if this? I hate to be jury rigging my booking like this - I'm just looking to avoid a difficult situation.
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