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Posts posted by SUNSHINEONME

  1. Well - I will let people know how brining the pool goes for us in Dec. We are bringing a pool because since we had to pay full price for my son (on RCCL) - he gets to enjoy the ship just like everyone else. No, we won't be in anyone's "way", but we have as much access to the ship as everyone else.

    I am shocked that people are acting as if families are doing something wrong brining a 3 foot pool on a boat that is thousands of feet in length. Come on people, lets be reasonable. The ship is big enough for a couple inflatable pools. If someone actually has to step around it - I'm sure it won't ruin their cruise. Just like it won't ruin our cruise having to step around someone smoking, or step around someone in a wheelchair, or step around someone who got a little too drunk and decided to lie down in the hall (yes, I have had to do that).


    I'm with you on this one!!!! It seems like so many on these boards are so Anti children, its very sad, because our children are our future! The attitude that somehow an infant is second rate is absurd! So I couldn't agree with you more!!!

  2. Why must people be so judgmental and unpleasant. Obviously families are trying to plan nice vacations. You can't bring a small child in the heat on a caribbean cruise and reasonably expect the child to just sweat on deck all week while the rest of the family enjoys swimming. So parents are trying to find sensible solutions within the limits of strict ship rules (like bringing an inflatable pool). So let's be helpful to each other. Especially here on the family board where we are all (literally) in the same boat.


    Here here!! Well said!!!

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