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Posts posted by DMickey28

  1. I thought of another one...


    Buy new shampoo, soap for the trip. Something tropical sounding with coconut scent or passion fruit or something. Use it on the ship and then continue using it when you get home. Never fails to "take me back" for just another minute or so. :)


    OMG, I know this is an old thread brought back to life but I do this. Our first cruise back in 2004 I bought some Rusk minty thing and now that reminds me of a cruise all.the.time. I am actually going to pick some up soon to get myself motivated to continue the gym for our cruise in April!

  2. I would definitely recommend any of the Nex cameras with the kit 18-55 lens that comes with it, it will not disappoint you. If you are in a budget look at mine Sony Nex-F3, if you have a little money to spare look at the Sony Nex-6, it just came out and its a monster of a camera. Those kit lens are your usual 3x zoom of point and shoot cameras. If you feel the need of more zoom buy the E-mount 55-210 lens, that is all you will need for your trip. Later on as you become more familiar with your camera you can look into prime or super wide lens.


    All it takes to get good pictures is a decent camera and a little creativity. I am just an amateur with his finger glued to the shutter. That's it, I read maybe 2-3 books that I bought on amazon, but no clases or training.


    Ok I am on my second DSLR a Canon 60D with an 18-55mm lens and I can't take pictures as well as you!! I read the books, I get the "rules" but you are amazing. Mine are not nearly as crisp.

  3. I seriously think I am going to print this review out in Hi-Def and read it again and again and again. It's amazing!! We are planning to go on Allure in March/April but finances are dictating that we wait last minute to book. We went last March and it was amazing.


    I am a SAHM to two young boys, 5.5 and 2.5. My husband works out of the house in a home office and we have three pets. I NEED the break that a cruise with just the hubby provides. I have been overweight for years and am finally in a situation with the older son at Kindergarten and my younger healthy this year to put him in a childcare situation at the gym. My motivation is this cruise. The lone picture of me last year is torture for me to look at. I am determined to be better this year. This review is a HUGE part of my motivation. Every night I come on here and catch up. Your pictures are amazing. I am working on my photography with hopes to open a business some day but I do portraits and families. I can't take a landscape picture for the life of me. Your pictures of just mundane areas of the ship are excellent and remind me of all the nooks and cranies that ship has to offer. I hope that I can take more pictures like that this next cruise.



  4. Thanks! I could care less about gaining on the cruise but if I look as bad as I did on the Allure last year I will cry. I just want to get healthier.


    I did an update to my computer and tried different browsers and looked for my settings changing and I can't figure it out. It's a bummer, I don't like clicking on each individual picture!


    Sorry to hog your report but I figured it out. The pictures don't show when I am actually logged in. If I log out it's back to normal. Now to figure that out. Thanks. I'll just log out to read!!

  5. Me to, I wish I could move there :D




    First of all I am not sure if a cruise is a good motivator for a diet, I gained like 5 lbs :(, but I can see your point to start dieting prior the cruise and keep the good work there. That was not my case, too much food :rolleyes:, I could not resist.


    I did not change anything, that is very odd. Did you try a different browser, is anyone else experiencing this? if so please let me know, I will figure out a way to fix it.


    I am glad you're enjoying the review, thanks for joining.


    Thanks! I could care less about gaining on the cruise but if I look as bad as I did on the Allure last year I will cry. I just want to get healthier.


    I did an update to my computer and tried different browsers and looked for my settings changing and I can't figure it out. It's a bummer, I don't like clicking on each individual picture!

  6. First, I am enjoying reading this report and seeing your amazing pictures!! We are going on Allure (hopefully, booking last minute) in April and I am using that trip as my motivation for jump starting an exercise/diet/getting healthy lifestyle. Your pictures are helping me more than words ever could. Keep them coming!!


    Second, did you change something between last night and this morning in your postings? I could see your pictures awesome before and now they are just links. Ehh, I'll figure it out!!


    Thank you for the report!! Your pictures of FLL are making me "homesick." We lived there for a a few years moving back home to the Northeast in 2009. I miss it more than I thought I would.

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