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Posts posted by buddyboy_4

  1. I have been on 18 cruises and casino blackjack play is top of my cruise pastimes. I did an 11 day cruise on Summit one month ago and the casino staff, with exception, was the worst I have experienced. There were always several pit bosses on duty. They stood around with long faces chatting to each other. I never once saw any of them chat in a friendly way to a player. I gave them about 50 hours of table action and was never bought a drink. The casino closed each evening earlier than I have experienced before, not much past midnight, even when there were still a good number of players. Most dealers were little better than mechanical; in fairness, a minority of dealers were cheerful and good, exceptions that proved the rule. There were many comments by players about the surliness of the staff. Clearly there is a major management problem in the casino. I left a significant winner by the way, so no sour grapesin that regard.

  2. I miss the reasonable prices of days past. I remember a party like atmosphere on deck with people lounging and chatting under the sun. The waiters regularly paraded up and down the decks carrying a tray of ready to drink, delicious looking cocktails. They were about 75 cents a pop way back. In those days I didn't have much money but I bought lots of drinks and enjoyed them, along with crowds of others. Today drinks are priced outrageously. I now have more than enough money to be able to afford more but I won't pay the silly prices being charged, or rarely anyway. Waiters are rarely seen to be seen to bring them to you and, when they do, it's a give me your card and I'll be back later with them type of service. Few people are buying any drinks and the party atmosphere has gone. It's far more sedate. How sad.


    I just returned from our latest cruise aboard a Celebrity ship. They earned excellent reviews in many ways, but a small glass of wine at $9.95 for low end wine? Give me a break. Just because I can afford it does not give them a license to rip me off. They used to make me feel like I was a king when I was aboard ship; now they make me feel like I'm a "mark". They are losing the essence of what made cruises what they are.

  3. Our first two cruises were aboard the old Veracruz, the first in 1980 around the Caribbean, and the second a few years later. The ship was small beyond belief and everything about it was fabulous, almost beyond belief. I now measure all present day cruises against that ship and, as good as some are, none measure up to the Veracruz. The food, the service, the entertainment, the value, all great. I have some photos of the ship, but I particularly treasure a full set of menus from the seven day cruise we took aboard. Ah, those were the days.

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