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Posts posted by MustangTania

  1. Thank you SO much for all the info, I will definitely park at the port then.


    My mom has SOME mobility issues, but is very stubborn about using any devices for help (wheelchair, scooter) at this point, BUT I do believe I will rent one for her on the ship because she has no idea how much walking is involved.


    Champagne, I TOTALLY agree, however, we are native New Yorkers and our entire family lives in NY...this is a family cruise that was planned by our NY relatives and we were invited. The deal was TOO good to pass up, trust me. ;0)

  2. I'm sorry I've been searching for a couple hours for the right place to ask this question but nothing I've found is what I need help with...I would so appreciate assistance please.


    Myself, my mother and my 2 little ones are driving from Florida to Cape Liberty to board a family cruise on July 28th-August 6th on Anthem of the Seas.

    I've looked online and from what I could find, there is an off-site parking facility (not sure I can mention the name of the place), that isn't far, is indoor and reasonably priced. My concern is my mother who cannot walk too far without pain in her legs. She needs to be dropped off as close to the ship as possible. We have never been to Cape Liberty. What would our best option be...getting a shuttle from this off-site location ( I don't know how close they drop us off to the ship), or the on-site parking terminal? Will she have to do a lot of walking from the parking terminal? I know it cost more to park at the parking terminal and that's fine for convenience, but I want my mother to be comfortable as this is her first cruise.


    If we end up parking at the cruise terminal, do we need to reserve a spot? I don't want to drive 2 days only to get there and be turned away because they're filled to capacity.


    Thanks for any help!!

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