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Posts posted by CanadianTwosome

  1. I find your comment quite interesting. Since you are admittedly not a man, how do you know how you would feel about this? (another one of societies double standards)


    I tell you what, I am a man and it does bother me. I've never been in a women's bathroom, but my wife tells me that sometimes women are in various stages of dress or undress, adjusting, tucking etc....Let's hope nobody ever snaps a photo of you in a compromising position...just sayin'...


    I hope you enjoy your cruise though....


    Double standard schmouble standard. I'm a woman and this wouldn't bother me, so I feel quite confident that if I were a man I would feel the same way - and like Silkhair, I'd have fun with it. In fact, I have to admit that as I read the thread, I was thinking of ways to have fun with it anyway!! I think it would be great fun to go in with my husband (after he checks for other passengers, of course) and pretend to start getting 'naughty', then look over at the other ship as if just noticing that it's there, look shocked and embarrassed and then leave laughing. :p


    As a wife, I'll be telling my husband about it and also sharing my idea - I doubt we'll act it out, but I know it will give him a chuckle. :p


    As a parent, I will be reminding my daughter that when she can see OUT a window, it's very likely that others can see IN the window, and to be aware of what she's doing. :)


    The best 'bathroom window' I ever heard of was in the Fireworks Factory, a restaurant that used to be at Disney's Pleasure Island. In the men's room, there was a window along the entire wall that backed the mirror behind the bar. My husband said it was quite disconcerting to stand at the urinal with a full view of the bar and all the patrons sitting at it! :eek:

  2. My understanding is that they may allow kids to move down in age group, but they won't let them move up. Your situation is quite unique, mind you, so it's certainly worth trying, but over thanksgiving there are going to be a LOT of kids, so space in the groups will be tight. With so many ten year olds and one nine that is obviously part of the group, I'd be optimistic about that one, but there are no guarantees.


    I can tell you that the 12 year old will absolutely not be allowed to go in the teen group. It's good to keep in mind, also, that the two 14 year olds that you know are NOT going to be the only teens in that group, and who knows what your 12 year old would be exposed to behaviour-wise. There's a reason they have age cut-offs, especially between Kids Crew and Teen Crew. They should end up in the same group as your 10 year olds, though perhaps they consider themselves 'too mature'? :p


    As I noted, there are going to be a lot of kids on your cruise over thanksgiving. Even if the kids aren't allowed to mix, surely there will be all kinds of new friends to have fun with, and the Pearl also has plenty that they can all do together outside of the organized activities. They have bowling, rock climbing, wii, and a waterslide, to name a few.


    My daughter, who has cruised NCL since she was 8, will be 12 this year and is looking forward to meeting the other kids on our cruise in December. Every cruise she meets kids that are in her own age group, have similar interests and have fun together. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and learn about different places, and she always comes away sad that she has to say goodbye. Don't assume that just because the odd-aged kids aren't with their travelling companions in the Kids Crew they will be unhappy. Be enthusiastic about the potential for making new friends who share their interests. If YOU go into it saying they'll be unhappy, or that you'll be disappointed that they can't change groups, then that's what they'll expect. Treat it like it will be a 'bonus' for them because they'll have the opportunities to 'get away from the group' while the others are 'stuck together' (without making it sound bad to be together either, of course!). Make it sound like a good thing and they'll believe it - and undoubtedly enjoy it. :)

  3. I think this will depend on how 'restless' they are... have they ever fallen out of bed before? If not, it's unlikely (in my opinion) that they will do so simply because they're further from the floor. Also, every upper berth I've ever seen on a cruise (including many I've slept in myself) has had a rail.

  4. I'm definitely a cross between Bermuder and Lowtyd - great lists by the way, you two!!


    I go through all those stages almost exactly as Bermuder lists them, but all the little things that happen in between that are directly related to the cruise also set me off... EDOCS, final payment, booking my before and after accommodations, transfers or car rental... and the rest of the time I just go through my daily existence with that always present knowledge that no matter how bad my day might be going or how annoying something might be... I've got a cruise in my future!!


    I kind of laughed when I started reading, because since I booked the Epic last week, I've been exceptionally giddy... to the point where I started thinking I was 'neglecting' my usual happy anticipation of my upcoming cruise on the Sky. Now I feel reassured that it's just my natural reaction to the booking! :)

  5. Please rest assured that I am not planning on trying to book a HC room, I would feel terrible if someone who really needed it lost out because of my need for a few extra feet of space.

    I am so grateful to everyone who has replied with so many great ideas and suggestions for my family. I will definitely go out and get an over-the-door shoe thingy to put our stuff in-several people mentioned that one. As for the bathroom, I have no problem taking a shower at night on the cruise, because that is what I do anyway at home with 2 teens needing to shower every morning before school.


    You'll be just fine. In my opinion, shower time is the biggest issue, and it sounds like that's already something your family has worked out. Other than that, the key is ORGANIZATION. I can't emphasize that enough! The over-door storage is an excellent idea, as are the over-door hooks. Multiple wet towels can be an issue, for sure.


    I don't know whether your teens are boys or girls, but if they have items for getting ready, I recommend a 'travel kit' for each individual. So far, I'm the only one in my family that needs one (my husband never will!), but basically, it is a portable, self-contained unit that holds everything I need to get ready - including a mirror. All I need is a light source and I'm good to go. Obviously I need the bathroom for brushing teeth and washing, etc. but I don't need to brush my hair, put on makeup, or anything else of that nature.


    We always book insides and I expect we always will. I just don't want to be there; I don't pay all that money to go sit in my cabin. :) That extra money goes a long way towards excursions, specialty dining, and shopping!


    Keep in mind that not everyone is cut out for inside cabin cruising - as has been reflected by many of the responses here. One other important factor is how well everyone gets along. My family gets along very well and we don't get on each others' nerves (we'll see if that changes as my daughter gets older!), and even when my mom was with us (making four in our inside cabin) a couple of years ago, we had no issues at all sharing the space. Everyone happily took turns in the bathroom, and my mom would change in the bathroom and go grab a cup of coffee while the rest of us got ready.


    Just for good measure, I thought I'd repeat one thing... ORGANIZATION!! :) No matter how tired or excited you are when your luggage arrives, unpack it and put it all away and make sure everyone knows where their stuff is and that it is their responsibility to keep track of it and keep it out of everyone else's way. I can't emphasize enough how important this is - or at least it's what makes it work for my family. :)

  6. I hope you consider your daughter- you do not want to scar her for life. Perhaps she will not go with you this time?


    Philip 217 posted once that stewards find used condoms on balconies all the time-so maybe you would not- but many would. I hope they tip their stewards well.


    You know I don't care who has balcony sex,( however, I do mind people posting and bragging -that should be private between the couple)


    What I find disgusting is those who have posted that they have done it in the PUBLIC hot tubs. (Look up the "Balcony Club" thread in the floataway lounge)


    One person actually bragged that they had done it on the helicopter pad of Mariner of the Seas with the ship's officers watching. So yes, many DO want to put on a show for others and YES-they get off on it- and I am positive they are not worried about leaving bodily fluids behind. Another very good reason for washing my hands lots and using that sanitizer gel they have everywhere. I am more concerned about that then I am of noro virus.


    Hmmmm... you hope I consider my daughter... so you figure that because I made a joke about someone seeing something on my balcony I must be talking about sex... and that it wouldn't occur to me to ensure my daughter was not in the cabin beforehand? ha ha ha ha ha :p I can't even answer that other than to say, 'Give your head a shake!' (also, see paragraph 4 regarding assumptions :))


    Now, as for the braggarts, I'm in total agreement. If I want to read about someone's sexual adventures, I'll go looking on a 'different' site. I'm sure I could find one - google any word in the English language and something 'adult' pops up. (which is why I monitor my daughter's computer usage - wouldn't want her scarred for life! :p) This thread, though, was not about what people had or hadn't done - or would or wouldn't do even - it was about privacy. People shared experiences and opinions, but none of it was what I would consider 'bragging' and I don't recall seeing anything explicit (I haven't gone back and reviewed the whole thread).


    The hot tub thing - EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just one more reason why I generally stay out of public hot tubs. How revolting - and in my opinion, to actually proudly post that you have done something so gross (again, my opinion) and inconsiderate of others is just not something I can relate to at all.


    As for the bodily fluids left behind in general - I think you should reread my posts. I have never claimed that NOBODY leaves a mess behind (and this pertains to ANY mess or contaminants, as I actually suggest people are suspect of any surface in publicly available accommodations). My point was simply that knowing a person engages in one behaviour does not mean it can be assumed that they necessarily engage in another behaviour. For example: I buy wine occasionally, but I don't drink it (it's a nice hostess gift); I live in Saskatchewan, but I am not, nor am I related to any farmers; I speak without a noticable accent (in North America), but I am not American... these are all assumptions that people have made about me based on the flawed logic that the former being true necessarily means the latter is true. The same goes for people who have sex on their balconies - NOTHING can be assumed about their habits regarding cleanliness. :)


    I'm a hand washer. I'm a surface wiper. I have to say, though, that I am definitely more concerned about norovirus, mononucleosis, hepatitis A, and even the common cold than I am with possibly coming in contact with a surface that someone has had sex on. There are no STDs that will survive outside the body long enough to make me or my loved ones sick (and affect our enjoyment of our cruise) - it's just really, really, really disgusting.

  7. I have to agree with the other posters. If you have access to the internet, you have access to anonymous email servers and can create a new email specifically to put on such a card for your child. You can monitor who sends them email and once you've confirmed that it's someone your child knows, you can choose to share more personal information then. Otherwise, my advice would be to give the information directly to the other child's parents.

  8. Of all the balconys i have been on I have always had someone lean over mine.


    So what you're saying is that you are consistently in cabins with nosy neighbors? :p


    Do you modify your behaviour in the private space you paid for out of fear that a stranger will invade your privacy? Does being prepared for someone to be rude make it any less rude?


    As I said, there are privacy barriers for a reason. Anyone choosing to violate their neighbor's privacy by extending their neck around a barrier clearly erected to prevent them from seeing onto the next balcony should be prepared to see people doing PRIVATE things. If we ever have a balcony, I guarantee anyone peeping at our private space will get an eyeful of flesh they won't soon forget. Some things you just can't unsee. :eek::p

  9. Not when your neighbor leans over to say hello to you. On all the NCL ships i have been on, you can look over very easy and see the next balcony....actually the people next to me were smoking and i can see there cigarette and hand over the balcony from mine. There is a big space.


    Seeing someone's hand extending past the railing on their balcony is not the same as seeing ON TO their balcony, which can only be done if you make the effort to look into their private space. Would you do that at someone's residence? If your neighbor built a fence between your houses that you couldn't see over, would you set up a ladder and climb up to 'say hello'? I hope not!! The dividers between the balconies are there for PRIVACY and should be respected.

  10. Glad to see a sense of humor has come back to this thread.


    Everyone has a right to their own opinion, wheather it be right or wrong to others.


    I'm lovin' the humour!! I've actually thought about a couple of 'funnies' myself, but I don't want to get to 'graphic' on a public board!! :p

  11. I do see your point.. and yes, I guess I was making that assumption, which was wrong of me. I just see so many guys that use the bathroom and walk out without washing their hands that I tend to think every thing I come in contact with was touched by those same guys..so I assumed people would be just as careless on their balcony.. (according to some of the women I have worked with, women are just as bad about not washing.. LOL.. but I can't say I know that from experience). And yes, you are right that I would never intentionally hurt anyones feelins. Even people I don't like I would never want to do that to.


    It's all good, and I really did know you had not tried to attack me or anyone else, I just used your posting to reply to. 8-)


    Oh we are so in agreement on this one!! I'm amazed at how many people will walk out of a bathroom stall and out the door. Ever hear of Mono? Hepatitis? Norovirus? Pink Eye? A public restroom door handle - one more surface that should never be touched with bare skin!! :eek:

  12. You and I usually see eye to eye on things, but I have to say on this one I do not feel I did or said anything wrong when I said I thought it was gross. I thought I had explained it so that it did not come across as a moral judgement. I could careless what sexual activities people do as long as they are consenting and between adults. But I do think I have the right to think it is gross from a sanitary point of view and not be personally attacked for feeling that way. Not saying you attacked me, but there have been several on here questioning my sexual abilities in the bedroom or stating what a prude I must be, etc, just because I don't feel it is appropriate for people to do things that would leave bodily fluids for the next pax. When I say I was attacked, of course not named by named, but anyone who thought it was gross or disgusting were all lumped into the group that must be boring in bed or must be jealous, etc.


    I may have issues about germs, hell half the time I call myself a germaphobe. But again, I do not think that gives anyone the right to attack me just because I feel it is unsanitary.


    Damn. I wrote the best reply to you last night and it vanished. *sigh*


    Anyway, I basically said I don't think anyone should ever be attacked for stating their opinion, but I also think that sometimes we can feel attacked when it wasn't anyone's intention to do so.


    For instance, do you not think it's a bit insulting to assume that anyone having sex on a balcony must be leaving bodily fluids for the next passengers? I feel like I know you a little bit from your posts, and I don't for a moment believe that you would ever intentionally insult anyone, but that's a pretty big assumption. I've never had sex on a cruise ship balcony, but I have on apartment and hotel balconies... and I've never left any evidence behind. In fact, I've probably left them cleaner than when I arrived - which is why it's a good thing I always put a towel or blanket down before making contact with any surface that's been exposed to that many strangers!


    I do absolutely agree with you, though - IF someone left their bodily fluids behind, it would be disgusting... I just don't think that assumption can be made simply because of someone's choice of 'where' they choose to 'enjoy themselves'. I'm a bit of a germophobe myself in many ways, and as far as I'm concerned, with rented accommodations in general - if there's a surface that a human can come in contact with, it's a good bet that someone has done something 'dirty' on it. By the same token, I also believe that just because someone chooses not to indulge on a balcony, it cannot be assumed that they are a prude, or jealous of those who do. :)

  13. Thank you Canadien Twosome. That was the best response to my original and then follow up question. I did not realize what a chord I had struck with my original post but my DW and I have had a lot of fun with it. But I wasn't trying to be humorous but realistic. We have been married 25 years and love each other very much and this cruise is a celebration of our 25+ years together.


    And we still want to join every club possible. (Oh crap I forgot about the flight down)...SWEEEET


    You're very welcome! Congratulations on having a great relationship!! :)

  14. I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to bet that Salty's comment was meant for the "I'm almost afraid to ask" thread regarding the freestyle deck. ;)


    I believe Salty is referring to this post by Yellowbird23:


    Originally Posted by yellowbird23 viewpost.gif

    To the OP: My balcony had enough room for me to put out the cushions from my little sofa and I laid my beach towel on them for a butt naked sunning and I'm 62 (I know, gross, but I don't care). Of course I had my bathrobe nearby "just in case". I'm not dead yet and I paid for the darned thing and will use it at my discretion for my purposes. I truly hope you enjoy your romanticism. I did make sure that no one was on the balcony next to me before I did it and I would expect that you and yours would do the same, not for them, but for yourselves!


    I say go for it! You only live once! Happy humping...oops!... I mean cruising!


    I've 'sort of' enjoyed reading this thread... There has been some great humour, but I have to say that it always saddens me a bit when I see comments that are so incredibly closed minded and judgemental as some of the ones here. The OP was inquiring about PRIVACY - and wound up with a whole lot of people thinking it was okay to comment on their private business!! Yes, the topic was raised, but only in the context of 'Will anyone see us?' not 'Do you think it's morally acceptable?' Good grief. Disgusting? Gross? I hope all of those condemning a couple wanting to have a little naughty fun (and making sure that they will have PRIVACY while doing so) realize that there are people in the world who think some of the things they do are disgusting and gross. Does that make it so? Is it their business to tell you that what you do PRIVATELY is 'wrong' in any way? (and as far as the furniture goes, if you're in any place that you don't own and maintain yourself, EVERY surface has potentially been used for 'fun'... furniture, counters, desks, baths/showers, tables, floors, stairs, railings... even beds!)


    To the OP: Enjoy your balcony to the fullest!! Keep in mind that some people do not respect the privacy of others, so listen for neighbors on their balconies in case they're mannerless boors who don't know enough not to stick their heads around the PRIVACY barrier. My only suggestion would be to keep it quiet; nobody can see you unless they make an effort to do so, but voices carry! As far as other 'clubs', I can tell you that when we were on the Star last year, we met a lovely couple that was honeymooning... they didn't give me details, but I did get the distinct impression that somewhere in a secluded corner in the wee hours one morning (like 3-4am) they 'enjoyed' some risky behaviour... I don't know how far it went, and I'm not recommending it, just passing on the info. :)

  15. Wow, I'm way behind on this one!! Actually, I thought I replied the very first day... but I can't seem to find my post, so it must have been my imagination.


    Anyway... SailorJack, I have to express my gratitude as well! Thank you so much for the wonderful, entertaining, and positive review!! I absolutely agree with everyone who has commended you on your writing style and sense of humour!! As for the positive outlook, has anyone invited you to join the Sunshine Cruisers yet? You're a shoe in!! :)

  16. http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=270001&CategoryID=32436&LinkType=EverGreen#



    I'm not sure if this will work. Did not know how to link something to this site' date=' but I am going to try. I just found this wonderful dress! I bought it in the rouge to wear on our upcoming Valentine cruise. I have this dress is navy and a similar one in black, and I love it. Hopefully this link will work and you will be able to see it. Also, It was on sale!:D When I get a dress for under a $100, I am just overjoyed!:)[/quote']


    That's a gorgeous dress!! There's nothing like finding something you really like and then having it available in other colors, too!! :p

  17. Thanks everyone for the kind words about my dresses!!! I love them. Canadiangirl, we'll be sailing on Valentine's Day, too! I haven't researched to see if it will be a formal night or not. Hope so. But the 11th is our 10th anniversary, so I kind of want that to be formal night. Oh, it doesn't matter:D


    You know, just because the ship specifies a 'formal night' doesn't mean you can't dress however you want for your anniversary whether that's the designated night or not... :)

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