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Posts posted by scubadiver75

  1. thank you!


    a few questions, and thank you:


    1. the wine question above - i heard you can bring wine- true? does it count for your weight in luggage?

    2. what is the thing that you have brought on a cruise that you were SO happy you had? (id ziplock bags, extension cord, that kind of tip)

    3. how chilly are the restaurants with AC?

    4. I know our luggage doesn't come, but can we get to rooms right away?

    5. bringing other food: like almonds or baby snacks- is the rule that they just have to be sealed? A woman at NCL said something like that


    3. I didn't find the restaurants to be chilly at all.

    4. Rooms are open at 2pm.

    5. We brought along plenty of snacks and juice for our toddler. All were sealed. We had no issues.

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