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Posts posted by JAMS1

  1. I was going to stay out of this, I really was, because I think it's up to individual parents (and their pediatricians) to decide. But this is just too much, IMO. Sorry, but I think it is not a good suggestion at all. Parents who want/need to sterilize bottles onboard need to bring a bottle sterilizer or talk to the special needs department if their child has immunity issues that require it.


    I cannot imagine the coffee bar staff being asked to sterilize nipples and bottles using the coffee-making equipment. Aside from how much time it would take when a bunch of parents come in every day to ask for it, I do not see how it can be at all sanitary for the rest of us to have babies' bottles being handled by the staff, around the equipment, and near drink/food items. I seriously doubt the CDC would even allow it. Plus, it is not the job of the coffee bar staff to clean bottles for parents. Bottom line is that coffee steaming equipment is not designed to function as a sterilizer.




    I did have the suggestion to bring a "Handy Dandy" appliance to do so.

    But I guess you did not read that far

  2. A friend who owns a coffee bar, quite often steams out something for a customer to clean it. Coffee cups, Travel Mugs, Sippy cups, bottles and all, so how is taking 3 to 5 seconds to steam off a nipple and bottle such an imposition for a crew member. Pearl might even give a nice tip for it.


    When I posted to this thread, I was surprised as to how nasty most of the reply’s were to Pearl’s question ripping her parenting style apart, I wanted to post a positive solution to her question, and made the mistake thinking that a few positive posts would change the tone of the thread.


    I am done with this thread since so may of you seem to need to be mean and not have positive solutions to the OP’s question.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Thank you JAMS1.


    You are welcome, First child and first cruise, that's a lot and very exciting.

    We waited until our daughters were out of the house to go on our first cruise and now wish we had not waited so long.

    When the grandchildren come along, we will introduce them to cruising ASAP.


    Have a Great Time!

  4. You will find most folks helpful and kind


    This how I would do it – in the buffet area there is a hot water dispenser for tea, use that to get your hot water. Place the nipple into a cup to rinse the nipple then rinse out the bottle too.

    Also, if there is a Coffee bar on your ship they could steam the bottle & nipple for you.

    There may be a handy dandy small appliance you could bring.

    Good luck and have a great cruise!

  5. Late on night, on our first cruise Nick care of all the stuff you saw on the tv's in your room and the sound and such during the shows, took to coolest photo of my DH & I with the Aurora behind us one night & emailed it to us. He kept the shutter open to get the Aurora then closed shutter and we hopped infront of the camera and flash our photo was taken with the Aurora behind us.

    Very Cool. DH has kept in touch with Nick over the years.


    Our first Oosterdam cruise was magical Aurora and all.

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