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vacation bound

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Posts posted by vacation bound

  1. A liitle background as I make these remarks - I am a general manager for a family oriented buffet ( largest corporately owned buffet chain in the US).


    We get all sorts of people who come in looking to eat as much as they can in order to get their $ worth. As long as they eat everything that is on there plate I don't get upset - go for it - you paid for it. I get more upset with those that fill their plate up - eat 1/2 leave the plate to removed and then go grab more food - eat it - don't waste it.


    I am an avid seafood lover and can pack the crablegs away like a champion. When we lived in Florida my parents used to get me a gift card to a particular specialty seafood restaurant for my birthday and Christmas every year. They had an all you can eat crab leg special for $ 29.99 (10 years ago) and my wife would bring a book and read as I went through plate after plate - enjoying my meal not trying to set any records (6 plates). The chef was amazed the first time he came out to see who was piling up the empty plates - a 5' 11" 165 pound middle aged Floridian. He was estatic that I found the crablegs to my liking and encouraged me to return and tell all my friends. I did both - the three of us (my wife, her book, and I ) became regulars and spread the word to all we knew that liked seafood.


    I am looking forward to lobster night - 2 maybe 3 but with so many other options available (like awesome vegetables) I will want to try a little bit of everything.


    My point is - let others enjoy their meal, enjoy your own meal, and let the management of theses establishments set any boundaries they feel are neccesary.


    :cool: Bon apetite :cool:

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