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Posts posted by Wadadli1

  1. That's what the advertising used to say. So of course I believe them!


    Some of the less clear memories of my teenage years suggest that taken to excess the argument fades, as the vision doubles......




    Recent scientific studies have proved the old advertising to be true! Yay science.


    Moderate moderation tends to work best, in all versions of moderating and also with moderation. ;)

  2. Now why didn't you say that earlier? All your other arguments pale into insignificance!




    Well, because sometimes your pint gets to you after the cascade has already, well, cascaded. Don't want anyone to think it's perfect down there when the Guiness might be cascading on the bar whilst the crew are busy with other tables. I'm not unreasonable with my requests, you know.


    You know that Guiness is healthy and good for you, yes?

  3. Good point.


    I wouldn't have wanted to eat anywhere else as I had a lovely group of tablemates. Plenty of drinking time for friends away from dinner!


    But you're quite right - especially if there is a group that spans restaurants/sittings.


    I did say it could be just me!




    I mean no disrespect to our dining room tablemates, who were the children, but we got to meet new friends one day and have lunch with recently-met new friends another. So we got to expand the number of wonderful people we knew onboard the ship. And the Guiness is pretty good there, too. ;)

  4. I never made it there. Too busy doing nothing....


    I can't see the point of having a fake pub lunch instead of lunch in the restaurant, but that may just be me.


    The afternoon tea in the Queen's Room isn't a patch on QE2 from my experience.


    The Commodore Club is wonderful. The open decks are wonderful.


    Relaxation is what this ship encourages. I think it would be a waste of her to rush around ticking boxes on the "seen it" sheet - but then I think she is built for transatlantics where relaxation is the principle activity.




    The Planetarium is brilliant, though the one time we went we fell asleep, like many others. The children did not (sleep), and proclaimed it also brilliant.


    You go to the Pub and have lunch with your friends or potential new friends you wouldn't eat lunch with otherwise. Think fun.


    Commodore Club--you covered that.


    I found that the ship encouraged do things! And so it took us until today to recover from our recent voyage. I agree with you, however, about the ticking off boxes--arrive as early as possible your first time and run thru the ship, ticking then, and afterwards, settle into what you found you liked best.

  5. More usefully, does anyone have any culinary tips for grey squirrels, which arrogantly disport themselves in my garden, and don't even seem to hibernate?


    I know that when you skin the squirrel, you cut the fur in such a way that you stand on the tail and peel the skin off.


    And squirrel tastes good, rather like rabbit. Best thing would be if you could feed your intended squirrel to your taste and then give it the spade, or whatever is your method of dispatch. Buckshot tends to spray a bit, so you have to look for the pellets before cooking.


    Oh, and serve with Pol Acker, if you feel the need to stay on topic. Otherwise, a pinot noir.

  6. And here I thought any service problems in dining were due to all the dining stewards out polishing the railings.. Oh yeah, they were- with Pol Acker!




    I think the mystery of the sporadic service has been solved....


    ....and without Detective Happyscot! Imagine that! ;)

  7. Man! Talk about keeping on topic! Paul! You da man! Now I'm really grossed out!


    So did they have Pol Acker on the Labor Day for the Americans who probably wouldn't know better?



    who would now! :eek:


    They sure did! Did you see the honorary picture of it in the review of the voyage? Wow, what a drink!

  8. That room reminds me of dance clubs from the 80's! Is that Wham singing in the background :eek:



    and yes, I did dance to Wham :p


    Me too! Wham was fun. And I like Skittles. I'll even drink Pol Acker on a small bet. But eating in that room? I think the sensory overload would be the end of me.


    Perhaps its name is the Seizure Saloon? ;)

  9. Aw,

    Tell us how you really feel, Matthew!





    Um, Because certain un-named people from the Cunard board insist on going over to the Carnival boards to bait them and troll?



    Each to his own.

    Carnival is not my cup of tea, and yes I have sailed on them, and RCCL, and HAL, and Premier. But I have to tell you there are some on Carnival that seem to have a better sense of humor (and a more laissez faire attitude) than some on the Cunard boards. And as in "real life" there are idiots and classy folks in both places. Let's just stop with the bashing. If you don't like something, well, just don't go there. God forbid if I like Pol Acker. I would be ostracized and basically made to feel an idiot!

    Yes, I can joke with the best. Heck, I even am nice to Rich, who is a Yankees (and Carnival) fan. Carnival I can forgive, Well, the Yankees. I guess I shouldn't say anything, since I can't say anything nice <G> (Except that we're 6 games ahead of them!! nyah, nyah!)


    So I guess we shouldn't complain about Carnivalers taking an interest in things Cunard. Maybe they would like to try it! Maybe Carnival was their first because Carnival is, face it, more affordable and more available. Maybe they came over to see what Cunard passengers were like and whether they would like it.

    With our snotty "holier-than-thou" attitudes, I doubt many of them will try Cunard. Not because they don't belong, or want to wear cut-offs on formal night but because they think we are a bunch of rude stuck-up jerks.

    So let's try not to give them a reason to think so, huh? I know you all and know that you are better than that! Let's show them how class acts.

    Believe me. this hasn't been it!



    who is not above being a jerk on occasion herself...But usually apologizes when it is pointed out.


    So maybe Cunard isn't the line for you? :eek: :D :cool: :confused: ;)


    And btw, reverse snobbery, as it's called, is the only kind of snobbery on this particular message board. Oh, and Rich is a Norwegian fan, because the voyages he likes leave from NYC.

  10. Oh, we know what Pol Acker is. That's one of the activities onboard Carnival ships. Bottling up water out of the kiddie pools. Hence that funky flavor you all are raving about. The more you bottle, the bigger your OBC. (You know, kinda like inmates stamping out license plates.) In case your interested in the ingredients, search the Carnival boards under threads about kiddie pools and swimmy diapers. :p


    Hmmmm. You know, you are getting close here, but it's a bit more subtle and complex, all at the same time. Plus! You have to remember it's French. You have to add that certain je ne sais quoi into the mix--what would that be?

  11. Is there a reason that your knocking Carnival btw, Cunard is just over priced thats all, you can get all the same things on a nice RRCL ship like the Mariner of the Seas or the Carnival Miracle which is a really nice ship ask anyone that has ever been on her, stop knocking Carnival its doesn't matter rich or poor, anyone can go on either criusline that they choose........... :mad:


    Why to you come over to the Cunard board, to spy? You already know all Cunard people are overdressed, stuffy, old greybeards who are so darn snobby they wouldn't recognise a good hairy-leg contest if it can-canned right under their nose. What more is there for you to know?


    Unless, of course, you secretly are intrigued with the mysterious libation that is Pol Acker....;)

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