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Posts posted by RQINFL

  1. I like the idea of booking a private tour but am not sure what we would want to see.


    It seems like all I can find information on is water related activities. We have done so many of these things I'm looking for something different ~ maybe some shopping, historical sites (are any of the great houses worth seeing?) and lunch.


    Are there any beaches with fun beach bars we could stop by?


    Thanks so much for all the answers!!

  2. Hello! Never been to Falmouth. There really are not many ship excursions listed and I'm having trouble finding much information on what else we can do while in port.


    I really don't want to just walk around the port shopping area or stay on the ship so would appreciate any suggestions.


    For those of you who did your own thing, what did you do and would you recommend it? We are pretty much open to anything. Thanks!

  3. We tried to go there. Taxi ride from the ship is maybe 5 - 10 minutes as I recall. Cab driver highly recommended it when we said that is where we were headed. Unfortunately they were not open for lunch that day.


    Just googled them and it looks like these are their hours. You may want to call and ask them. If not take a chance, it's not that long of a drive and you can just loop back into town.



  4. Have you tried looking on YouTube to see previews? Reviews?


    Zumba Exhilarate is the latest and greatest DVD SET...and it includes many different DVDs. Here is the YouTube channel for that set:




    There are other previews etc on the Zumba Fitness Channel:




    As for having a recommendation though...this is one topic of discussion that has been repeatedly asked about here, but no-one ever comes back to really talk about the DVDs.


    Kasi knows about the game on the Wii though...interested in that?


    I will check out the links. Not interested in Wii, as I don't have the system. Thank you for the info!

  5. Jessica~ I looked online at Fashion Bug after Brooke mentioned them, and their workout clothes are less expensive, so you might want to try there first. If the store does not have what you want, you could always order on their website. Hope you find what you are looking for!

  6. As far as my goal for the year. I probably could lose more weight, but I think I will be more happy if I meet my goal and then some. I think the best part about goals is setting your sites at something very doable, so you get the feeling of accomplishment. Also, as you've probably noticed I have back problems that sometimes slow my progression and I want to account for times, like now, when I can't do the exercise that I need to. I'm so glad that you think I can meet and exceed that goal.


    Your thinking definitely makes sense ~ and I do think you will be happy with your results. You seem to be motivated, and recognize that nobody is going to eat perfectly every day (probably why WW is so popular with the flex points ~ thanks for your explanation.) But you also are holding yourself accountable and know when you are having something you shouldnt. Those are all good things. And you seem to be making changes in your diet in a way that will keep you motivated. And I hope that your back feels better.



    Jess, I am not here to criticize you or make fun of what you eat. It's your choice but I can help you make better/healthier choices if you want. All you have to do is ask.


    I agree with Mrs. C05 ~ and that is why I think this thread is great ~ but you need to do what you are comfortable with. Maybe you would feel better listing foods you like, and people can give suggestions for alternative foods, or ways to make it healthier rather than listing what you are eating. Make sense?


    Mrs. C05 ~ I'm in Central FL. How about you?


    You must be so happy that you've met your goal weight! Actually wear the jeans for a bit each day so you feel that they are tight :) I bought a pair of jeans too small, and try them on often so that I can feel them fitting better.

  7. Hey Jessica! Do you like to cook? The thread I posted above about gluten talks about rice pasta. If you really enjoy pasta and alfredo, what about cooking rice pasta (you can usually find it at health food stores, and even sometimes in the grocery store if you have an organic section), make your own alfredo and add broccoli and chicken?


    Here is an alfredo recipe I found on google




    and another one ~ seems cottage cheese is the key




    Really, losing weight is about making healthy choices that you ENJOY and will stick with. You need to be able to have the foods you like, just in the right portion sizes and with good ingredients. I find that there are some great recipes online for lower calorie and fat versions ~ one of the reasons that cook yourself thin show is so great.

  8. SOrry to hear that you have gotten negative comments. Try to ignore them.


    Here is the thread that I mentioned ~



    Has anybody watched the show Cook Yourelf THin? It has great recipes ~ for example if you like chicken fingers and fries, you can make their baked corn flake crusted chicken with baked sweet potato fries (from two different recipes) and have a healthy substitute. Here is the link to the recipes ~




    I have made a few of these and they really are good. Especially if you have a craving for something bad but want to be good :)

  9. Hey Jesscap5! I think everybody here has been really supportive ~ you should post what you eat so that you keep yourself accountable and maybe to get some good tips from other people. Pool exercises are GREAT! And very low impact too. Has anybody mentioned the thread about cutting out gluten and sugar? It's great and has a lot of tips in it.

  10. Brooke, It's great that you started this thread to help motivate yourself. And congrats on losing 10 lbs. I looked at your picture and you are beautfiul. Have you researched what a reasonable weight loss for somebody at your weight is in a year? I think if you put your mind to it you could lose a lot more weight than your goal. In reading a few peoples posts on here there are some things that may sound like good choices, but really are not too good for weight loss. I just read an article about raw, whole foods and their benefits. Most people don't get enough of them in their diet and increasing the amounts of them in your diet really help boost weight loss. Are there any raw veggies that you like? You mention needing to use points ~ is this something that is necessary or if you are not hungry can you not use those for the day? Also, instead of crackers (reduced fat or not) if there are veggies that you like it would be a much better choice. Raw nuts are another good choice ~ protein and no bad carbs. The key really is to have healthy foods prepared at home. I know you mentioned this and youre right. It sounds like you are pretty busy ~ have you taken a day when you have time, and prepared a lot of your favorite healthy foods and either kept them in the refrigerator or frozen any?

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