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Posts posted by Tripster3

  1. Video capture is excellent. Interesting to read some of the responses as well. As a seasoned sailor who has spent many miserable days on gray hulls off the VACAPES in the winter, storms that rapidly intensify there are not uncommon. This storm appears to have gone from a light gale to nearly a CAT 1 hurricane in a matter of hours. Tough call for the line and Captain. Weather looks okay 24 hours prior, so you leave and make 500 miles in a day at 20 kts, but the storm intensifies around you, you have to slow down and keep bow on the sea, and you cannot get out of it quickly. If they had stayed pierside in Bayonne for 2 days, there would have been just as much unhappiness, especially if the weather went as forecast. Things don't always go as planned at sea. Welcome to the life of a sailor.

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